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Simple present ubahlah menjadi positif dan negatif 1. aida comes to school early
2. Jaka doesn't play badminton
3. we aren't riding bicycle
4. Will you be wake up late?​​


Jawaban 1


1. Aida always comes to school early (positif)

2. Jaka never plays badminton (negatif)

3. We never ride bicycle (negatif)

4. Won't you wake up late? (negatif)

Pertanyaan Terkait

Write the caue and effect for each enten ! a. Ronaldo wa tired becaue he didnt't have enough leep. Caue_________________


Cause: Ronaldo didn't get enough sleep

Effect: Ronaldo is tired

The antonym of the word "alow" in the notice above i?.





alow -> this is a spelling mistake -> slow.

The word slow means "lambat" in Indonesian, so the antonym is "fast" that means "cepat".

Rina: : l'll have an Englih Exam tomorrow. : l'm o nervou. Wih me luck pleae. : Suan:ure,.



Rina: : l'll have an Englih Exam tomorrow.

: l'm so nervous. Wish me luck please.

Suan ; sure

maaf jika jawabannya salah dan kurang jelas, jangan lupa jadikan yang terbaik jika kamu puas dengan jawabannya 0w0

note : saat bertanya tolong kasih penjelasnnya ya, biar orang lain saat menjawab jadi gak bingung heheh >u

Ridho arrive to School early morning…. Ride hi own bicycle.



kata yg tepat untuk melengkapi : by

mmf klo slh

btw jadiin jawaban terbaik ya klo puas sama jwbnnya

My father and my mother (wa/were) cooking when we reached home.



The correct sentence would be: "My father and my mother were cooking when we reached home."


"Were" is the correct verb to use in this sentence. "Were" is the past tense of "are," and it should be used when speaking about two or more people in the past. "Was" is the past tense of "is," and it should be used when speaking about one person in the past.

Let the un illuminate the word taht you could not find.



Biarkan matahari menerangi kata yang tidak dapat Anda temukan.


1. what is the type of the texs ? 2. to whom is the greeting card? 3.who gets the first rank? 4.why does nadya deserve the first rank? 5.who writes the greetings card?​



1. apa jenis teksnya? 2. kepada siapa kartu ucapan itu? 3.siapa yang mendapat peringkat pertama? 4.mengapa nadya layak mendapat peringkat pertama? 5. siapa yang menulis kartu ucapan?

Past continuous ubahlah menjadi introgative 1. aida comes to school early
2. Jaka doesn't play badminton
3. we aren't riding bicycle
4. Will you be wake up late?​​



  • Was Aida coming to school early?
  • Was Jaka not playing badminton?
  • Were we not riding bicycles?
  • Will you be waking up late?

Change the sentences into negative and interrogative form! 1. The principal has announced the delay in our trip this morning.
2. I have found poor cat in the gutter when I was walking home from school this afternoon
3. They have worked in the garden since this morning.
4. He has swum in the swimming pool for ten minutes.
5. She has been a student for two years.​




  1. The principal has not announced the delay in our trip this morning.
  2. I have not found a poor cat in the gutter when I was walking home from school this afternoon.
  3. They have not worked in the garden since this morning.
  4. He has not swum in the swimming pool for ten minutes.
  5. She has not been a student for two years.


  1. Has the principal announced the delay in our trip this morning?
  2. Have you found a poor cat in the gutter when you were walking home from school this afternoon?
  3. Have they worked in the garden since this morning?
  4. Has he swum in the swimming pool for ten minutes?
  5. Has she been a student for two years?

He ha hort curly brown hair. Hort gari bawah adalah.


jawaban : bagaimana

penjelasan : maksud dari soalnya gimana

Past continuous ubahlah menjadi negatif 1. aida comes to school early
2. Jaka doesn't play badminton
3. we aren't riding bicycle
4. Will you be wake up late?​​



1. aida was coming to school early

2. jaka was not playing badminton

3. we were not riding bicycle

4. were you waking up late?


Past Continous

(+) s + was/were + v ing

(-) s + was)were + not + v ing

(?) was/were + s + v ing

was = untuk subjek I,she,he,it

were = untuk subjek you,they,we

Semoga membantu

Past continuous ubahlah menjadi positif 1. aida comes to school early
2. Jaka doesn't play badminton
3. we aren't riding bicycle
4. Will you be wake up late?​​



1. Aida comes to school early. (Ini sudah bentuk positif)

2. Jaka plays badminton.

3. We are riding bicycle.

4. You will wake up late.

Semoga membantu

Present continuous ubahlah menjadi negative 1. aida comes to school early
2. Jaka doesn't play badminton
3. we aren't riding bicycle
4. Will you be wake up late?​​



AIDA doesn't comes to school early

Jaka doesn't play badminton(sudah negative?)

we aren't riding bicycle(sudah negative?)

i Will not wake up late

Present continuous ubahlah menjadi positif 1. aida comes to school early
2. Jaka doesn't play badminton
3. we aren't riding bicycle
4. Will you be wake up late?​



Present Continuous Tense:

1. aida comes to school early

  • (+) Aida is coming to school early.

2. Jaka doesn't play badminton

  • (+) Jaka is not playing badminton.

3. we aren't riding bicycle

  • (+) We are riding a bicycle.

4. Will you be wake up late?​

  • (+) Are you waking up late?


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Present Continuous Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Present Continuous Tense:

(+) Subject + Tobe (is/am/are) + Verb-ing + Object

Semoga membantu ya.

Present continuous ubah menjadi positif, negative dan introgative 1. aida comes to school early
2. Jaka doesn't play badminton
3. we aren't riding bicycle
4. Will you be wake up late?​




+ Aida is coming to school early

- Aida is not / isn't coming school early

? Is Aida coming to school early? / Is she coming to school early?


+ Jaka is playing badminton

- Jaka is not /isn't playing badminton

? Is jaka playing badminton? / Is he playing badminton?


+ We are riding bicycle

- We are not / aren't riding bicycle

? Are we riding bicycle?


+ You are waking up late

- You are not / aren't waking up late

? Are you waking up late?


Rumus Present Continus Tense :

S + am/is/are (to be)+ Verb ing + O

Fungsi to be am hanya digunakan pada subjek I

Fungsi to be is digunakan pada subjek She, He, It

Fungsi to be are digunakan pada subjek You, They, We

Pada kalimat positif hanya menggunakan rumus di atas.

Pada kalimat negatif ditambahkan kata "not" sesudah (to be).

Pada kalimat interogative letak posisi (to be) berubah menjadi di awal,

seperti (to be) Am/Is/Are + S + Verb ing + O?

Semoga membantu

Most children in Indonesia...Wear uniform when they go to School





Most children in Indonesia are Wear uniform when they go to School.

Maaf jika ada kesalahan !

Ubahlah simpel present menjadi introgative 1. aida comes to school early
2.jaka doesn't play badminton
3. we aren't riding bicycle
4. Will you be wake up late?​



Simple Present Tense(+) S + V1 + C / O(-) S + do/does not (don't/doesn't) + V1 + C / O(?) V1 + S + C / O?1. Aida comes to school early,

Negative: Aida doesn't come to school early.

2. Jaka doesn't play badminton.

(Sudah bentuk negative)

3. We aren't riding bicycle.

Simple Present: We ride bicycle.

Negative: We don't ride bicycle.

4. Will you be wake up late?

Simple Present: You wake up late.

Negative: You don't wake up late.

12. You are an amateur swimmer. What must you do after reading the text? a. Swim in a suitable pool
b. Not learn to swim at all
c. Stay at the edge of the pool only
d. Watch people learning to swim.​


d. Watch people learning to swim


Melihat orang yang belajar berenang


because some amateurs have to practice

sorry if wrong

He really... stdudy harder if he want to pass the examination




Jadinya : "He really need to study harder if he want to pass the examination"



Southwest is cardinal point between.......... And........



Southeast (SE), 135°, halfway between south and east, is the opposite of northwest. Southwest (SW), 225°, halfway between south and west, is the opposite of northeast


Tenggara (SE), 135°, pertengahan antara selatan dan timur, adalah kebalikan dari barat laut. Southwest (SW), 225°, pertengahan antara selatan dan barat, adalah kebalikan dari timur laut.


Maaf klok slah kak (。・ω・。)

Pertanyaan Lainnya
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