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Tolonglah bantu saya mengerjakan soal ini 1. Some of the meetings at the conference are limited to ten participants.
a. True
b. False

2.The receptionist in the entryway to the offices is able to answer your questions.

3.The sauce on the vegetables in the yellow bowl taste really delicious.
a. True
b. False

4. All of the students in the classroom are paying attention to the subject.
a. True
b. False

5. Everything he does is on behalf of his company.
a. True
b. False

6. Every furniture in that room is made of wood.
a. True
b. False

7.Most of the food left over in the kitchen is greasy.
a. True
b. False

8.The view of these disciplines varies from time to time.
b. False

9.Half of my money are given by my father.

10.Nothing more is going to be completed today.


Jawaban 1
  1. True - The statement says "some" of the meetings are limited to ten participants, so it is possible that not all of them are.

  2. True - The statement says that the receptionist is able to answer questions, so it is likely that they are able to do so.

  3. False - The statement says that the sauce tastes delicious, not that it does not taste delicious.

  4. False - The statement does not mention that all of the students in the classroom are paying attention. It is possible that some of them are not.

  5. True - The statement says that everything he does is on behalf of his company, so it is likely that this is true.

  6. False - The statement says "every" furniture in the room is made of wood, but this may not be true if there are other materials present as well.

  7. False - The statement says "most" of the food left over in the kitchen is greasy, meaning that not all of it is.

  8. True - The statement says that the view of these disciplines varies over time, so it is likely that this is true.

  9. False - The statement says "half" of the money is given by the father, implying that there is more than one source of money.

  10. True - The statement says that nothing more will be completed today, indicating that everything that was planned for the day has been finished.

Pertanyaan Terkait

A school bus is towed following a collision with a car on the Najor Deagan Expressway (1-87) in the Bronx on Friday, Sep 30. There were no major injuries reported among the 42 students and eight adults on board from St Joseph School in the Bronx (AP Photo/Jhon Sm



where is the incident?

the incident happened on the major deagan expressway (1-87) in the bronx

im not sure what is the question you needed so im answering similar question on google.

reply me when you know what is the question please.

hope it helps^^

Choose the correct answer in the parentheses 1. The results of the students’ test (was, were) announced through the schoolwebsite.
2. Every student, teacher, and staff (is,are) requested to come on time to theschool.
3. Some of the information in the internet (is, are) fake
4. Each of us (has, have) different favourite colour.
5. The number of participants for English class (is , are) seventy-five.
6. A pride of lions (contains, contain ) about three or five males and six to
7. There (is, are) many students in school yard
8. Andy , as well as his classmates, (has, have) understood the lesson.
9. Why (was, were) Anne and Diana late for match class this morning?
10. Where ( does, do) Alex live?

Minta tolong gais yang bisa tolong jawab ya, kalo bisa sama keterangan nya ya



1. Were

2. Are

3. Is

4. Have

5. Is

6. Contain

7. Are

8. Have

9. Were

10. Does


1. "Was" merupakan bentuk kata kerja dalam kalimat simple past, sementara "were" adalah bentuknya untuk subjek plural.

2. "Are" merupakan bentuk kata kerja dalam tenses saat ini.

3. "Is" merupakan bentuk kata kerja dalam kalimat simple present.

4. "Have" merupakan bentuk kata kerja dalam tenses saat ini untuk subjek yang menggunakan pronoun atau nouns.

5. "Is" merupakan bentuk kata kerja dalam kalimat simple present.

6. "Contain" adalah bentuk kata kerja dalam kalimat simple present.

7. "Are" merupakan bentuk kata kerja dalam tenses saat ini.

8. "Have" merupakan bentuk kata kerja dalam tenses saat ini untuk subjek yang menggunakan pronoun atau nouns.

9. "Were" merupakan bentuk kata kerja dalam kalimat simple past.

10. "Does" merupakan bentuk kata kerja dalam kalimat simple present.

P0562 is a common OBD-II trouble code. It's a general code, which means that it means the same thing for any vehicle, including the Kia Rio. P0562 indicates that the system voltage is below 10 volts for a solid minute. With the engine running, the system voltage should be 14.1-14.4 volts, and it's typically caused by a bad alternator. It's very common to get the battery light with P0563artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia ​



P0562 adalah sebuah kode masalah OBD-II yang umum. Ini adalah kode umum, yang berarti artinya sama untuk setiap jenis kendaraan, termasuk Kia Rio. P0562 menunjukkan bahwa tegangan sistem di bawah 10 volt selama satu menit penuh. Dengan mesin yang berjalan, tegangan sistem seharusnya 14,1-14,4 volt, dan biasanya disebabkan oleh alternator yang rusak. Sangat umum untuk mendapatkan lampu baterai dengan P0563.

My friend came to my house last night for 6 hours. I mean it was so fun spending time with her but it was midnight and i was so sleepy. (Please bantu jawab, ini cukup natural atau engga ya?) Thank you:)




Sudah cukup natural menurut saya. Ketika kita menghabiskan waktu bersama teman kita, biasanya kita akan menikmati waktu tersebut sebaik mungkin dan tidak peduli dengan waktu yang telah berlalu. Namun, jika kita merasa sangat mengantuk pada waktu tersebut, maka hal tersebut juga wajar. Jadi, menurut saya, tidak ada yang salah dengan pernyataan Anda tersebut.

I have read a book just now.
Past perfect tense=
- Future perfect tense =



Past perfect tense: "I had read a book just now."

Future perfect tense: "I will have read a book just now."


The past perfect tense is used to describe an action that was completed before a specific point in the past. In this case, the action of reading a book was completed before "just now."

The future perfect tense is used to describe an action that will be completed before a specific point in the future. In this case, the action of reading a book will be completed before "just now."

Change the sentences below! a. I am reading now.
Simple present tense
Simple Future tense=


Simple Present Tense:
I read

Simple Future Tense:
I will read


Simple Present Tense:
Dikarenakan sentences diatas menggunakan I jadi tidak menggunakan s/es/ies. I/You/They/We tidak menggunakan s/es/ies. Sedangkan She/He/It menggunakan s/es/ies.

Simple Future Tense:
Future Tense menggunakan will, namun kata seperti (Read, Learn, Teach) tidak menggunakan ing.

What should an inventor do to avoid disappointments while patenting his/ her invention brainly.



There are several steps that an inventor can take to avoid disappointments while patenting their invention:

1. Research: It is important to do thorough research to determine if the invention is novel and non-obvious, and to make sure that it is not already patented or in the process of being patented by someone else.

2. Seek professional advice: Consulting with a patent attorney or agent can help the inventor understand the patent process and the likelihood of obtaining a patent for their invention.

3. Understand the patent process: It is important to understand the steps involved in the patent process and to be prepared for potential challenges or setbacks.

4. Keep good records: It is important to keep good records of the invention, including any drawings or diagrams, prototypes, and written descriptions.

5. Be patient: The patent process can be time-consuming and may require multiple rounds of revisions and amendments. It is important to be patient and to be prepared for potential delays.

6. Consider alternative options: If it is not possible to obtain a patent for the invention, the inventor may want to consider alternative options such as keeping the invention as a trade secret or licensing the technology to others.

1. Do Do you know the purpose of a news item?
2. Do you know how information in a news items
in structure?
3. Do you know how to tell news to your friend?
4. Do
Do you know how to use direct and indirect



1. Yes, I know that the purpose of a news item is to provide information about events, developments, or issues of public interest to a broad audience. News items are typically written in a factual and objective manner and are meant to inform readers about what has happened or is happening.

2. News items are typically structured in a way that clearly presents the most important information first and then provides additional details and context as needed. This allows readers to quickly understand the main points of the story and then delve deeper if they wish.

3. To tell news to a friend, you can start by giving a brief summary of the main points of the story and then provide additional details as needed. It is important to be accurate and objective when sharing news with others, and to avoid adding your own personal opinions or biases to the information you are sharing.

4. Yes, I know how to use direct and indirect speech. Direct speech refers to the exact words that a person has spoken, while indirect speech refers to the content of what was said without quoting the person's exact words. For example, "She said, 'I'm going to the store,'" is an example of direct speech, while "She said that she was going to the store," is an example of indirect speech.

Playing - when - was - he liked- boy - football - little - he - a urutkan kata kata nya kak makasii​


a little boy was playing foot bal when he liked

No Facts
Cars are important for my
the public transportation doen
parts of the city
In contrast to
the dangers of nudear energy
The cheapest alternative in contrast to
De we can use in the

jangan asal menjawab!!!!.


It appears that you are trying to list some information about cars and nuclear energy, but the information provided is incomplete and not fully coherent. Here is a revised version of the list:

  1. Cars are important for transportation, especially when public transportation does not cover certain parts of the city.
  2. Nuclear energy can be a cheap alternative to other forms of energy, but it also carries certain dangers.
  3. In contrast to cars, nuclear energy may be a viable option for the future.

He is going alone - but - there - his - he - friends - meet - will - best Tolong urutkan kata-kata nya kak :)



He is going alone, but his best friends will meet him there.

Tolonglah bantu saya mengerjakan soap ini dengan benar tolonglah bantu saya menagerjakan soal in

1. The picture of the soldiers brings back many memories.

2. Everybody know the rules, but somebody is not following them.

3.The coordinator of community services are arranging the program.

4. Anyone in one of the classes has to take the final exam.

5. Most of the car are covered with mud.

6. Some of the books I have are from the used book sale.
b. False

7. Each boy in the class have his own notebook.

8. The directions to your address are very clear.

9. The cost of this project more than the budget.



  1. .true
  2. false
  3. true
  4. false
  5. true
  6. true
  7. true
  8. false
  9. select

I (never,have ). A Cell phone and I am not going to get one​.


Jawaban: i have never had


The prices are cheap there."
What is the antonym of the italcized word?




maaf kalo salah

Tolonglah bantu saya menagerjakan soal in 1. The picture of the soldiers brings back many memories.

2. Everybody know the rules, but somebody is not following them.

3.The coordinator of community services are arranging the program.

4. Anyone in one of the classes has to take the final exam.

5. Most of the car are covered with mud.

6. Some of the books I have are from the used book sale.
b. False

7. Each boy in the class have his own notebook.

8. The directions to your address are very clear.

9. The cost of this project more than the budget.











Latar belakang masyarakat periode amerika modern



Latar belakang masyarakat Amerika modern dapat dikatakan sebagai hasil dari sejarah panjang dan kompleks yang meliputi periode-periode sebelumnya, termasuk peradaban indigen, periode kolonial, periode kemerdekaan, dan periode pasca-kemerdekaan.

Periode indigen di Amerika Utara meliputi peradaban yang telah ada sebelum kedatangan orang-orang Eropa pada abad ke-15. Masyarakat indigen Amerika Utara terdiri dari berbagai kelompok yang berbeda, termasuk Native American, Inuit, dan Métis. Mereka memiliki tradisi, budaya, dan adat istiadat yang kaya dan beragam, dan telah tinggal di wilayah tersebut selama ribuan tahun.

Periode kolonial di Amerika Utara dimulai pada abad ke-16, ketika orang-orang Eropa mulai menjelajahi dan mengkolonisasi wilayah tersebut. Pada awalnya, orang-orang Eropa datang ke Amerika Utara untuk mencari sumber daya, seperti kayu, perak, dan emas, serta untuk mencari tempat yang lebih baik untuk hidup. Mereka juga datang untuk membawa agama dan budaya mereka ke wilayah tersebut. Orang-orang Eropa yang pertama kali tiba di Amerika Utara terdiri dari pelaut, petualang, dan penjajah dari berbagai negara Eropa, termasuk Inggris, Belanda, Prancis, dan Spanyol. Mereka membawa banyak aspek budaya dan agama mereka ke wilayah tersebut, yang kemudian mempengaruhi masyarakat Amerika modern.

Periode kemerdekaan Amerika Utara dimulai pada tahun 1775, ketika Perang Revolusi Amerika Utara dimulai. Perang ini merupakan perang yang dilakukan oleh 13 koloni di Amerika Utara terhadap Kerajaan Inggris, yang menyebabkan terjadinya kemerdekaan Amerika Utara. Setelah perang tersebut, 13 koloni tersebut merdeka dan membentuk negara baru yang disebut Amerika Serikat.

Periode pasca-kemerdekaan Amerika Utara meliputi periode sejak kemerdekaan Amerika Serikat hingga saat ini. Selama periode ini, masyarakat Amerika Utara telah mengalami banyak perubahan dan perkembangan, termasuk perubahan sosial, ekonomi, dan politik yang signifikan. Masyarakat Amerika Utara saat ini terdiri dari berbagai kelompok etnik, agama, dan budaya

Tolonglah bantu saya mengerjakan soal ini Geographically, California’s diversity is breathtaking, and the state’s
coastline from north to south is no exception. Measuring 840 miles in length,
the coast consists of the rugged cliffs on the Coast Ranges in the north and
wide sandy beaches in the south. Along the coastline there are two major
harbors, one in the north at San Francisco and the other in the south at San
Diego. Near Humboldt an Monterey are smaller natural ports.

1.It is implied in the passage that northern California.

a.has more beaches than southern California
b.has the same type of coastline as southern California
c.has a different coastline from southern California.
d.has fewer major harbors than southern California.

2. According to the passage, where are the major harbors located in California?

a.Only in northern California
b.In the north and in the south.
c.Near Humboldt and Monterey
d.In San Diego

3. In line 6, “natural ports” are

a.evenly shaped
b.not human-made
c.constructed of natural materials
d.always small in size

4. Which of the following geographical features in NOT mentioned in the passage?


General English
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WEEK 11 Reading Quiz
Question 4
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In the 1890s, bicycles became quite popular in the United States as the
new “safety” bicycles replaced the older penny-farthing bicycles. On the
penny-farthing bicycles, one wheel was much larger than the other, and these
bicycles were not very stable; they were always falling over. On the new
“safety” bicycles, both wheels were equal in size, and they were much easier
to control.
Many women also enjoyed these new “safety” bicycles, but they had to
take measures to deal with their clothing while riding the bicycles. The fashion
at the time was for long, full skirts that did not go well with bicycles. Some
women put lead weights in their skirts to keep their skirts from blowing up.
Other women changed from long skirts to bloomers, which were long, full,
wide pants, but some people felt that bloomers were inappropriate for women
to wear; in fact, some newspaper and magazines of the day criticized the new
bicycles fashion as a danger to ladies’ morals.

5. Which of the following is NOT true about the safety bicycle?

a. It became popular in the 1890s. preceded the penny-farthing bicycle.
c. it was fairly simple to control had equal wheels

6.Look at the word measures in paragraph. This word could best be replaced by


7.In line 10, Bloomers” are


8.It is implied in the passage that newspapers expressed the opinion that women.

a.should wear bloomers
b.should not wear long, full skirts
c.should not ride bicycles
d.should always follow the fashion.​



Answer 1: c.has a different coastline from southern California.

Answer 2: b.In the north and in the south.

Answer 3: b.not human-made

Answer 4: a.Canyons

Answer 5: had equal wheels

Answer 6: a.steps

Answer 7: a.Pants

Answer 8: c.should not ride bicycles

What is the diference between infinitives and nouns?


In English, an infinitive is a verbal noun that typically follows the word "to" and functions as a subject, direct object, or predicate nominative. For example:

"To swim is my favorite activity." (In this sentence, "to swim" is the infinitive and functions as the subject of the sentence.)

"I want to swim every day." (In this sentence, "to swim" is the infinitive and functions as the direct object of the verb "want.")

"My goal is to swim in the Olympics." (In this sentence, "to swim" is the infinitive and functions as the predicate nominative of the verb "is.")

A noun is a word that refers to a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns can function as the subject or object of a verb, or as the object of a preposition. For example:

"The cat chased the mouse." (In this sentence, "cat" and "mouse" are both nouns. "Cat" is the subject of the verb "chased," and "mouse" is the object.)

"I went to the store." (In this sentence, "store" is a noun. It is the object of the preposition "to.")

So, the main difference between infinitives and nouns is their function in a sentence. Infinitives typically follow the word "to" and can function as a subject, direct object, or predicate nominative, while nouns can function as the subject, object, or object of a preposition in a sentence.

Tolonglah bantu saya mengerjakan soal ini Among some groups of people, cats have a reputation as rather silly
animals that are always getting themselves stuck in trees. Cats have often
been known to become frightened of something, to run up a tree, and then to
cry sadly until they are rescued.
There is, in reality, a reasonable explanation for this type of behavior,
and it has to do with the shape of the cat’s claws. A cat’s claws are hooked in a
direction that makes climbing up a tree a rather easy task. However, when it
comes to climbing back down the tree, these claws are not very helpful.
Thus, if you happen to see a meowing cat stuck in a tree, have some
sympathy for the cat. The cat managed to get up in the tree quite easily, but the
shape of its claws make it quite impossible for the cat to climb down with the
same ease.

1. The passage indicates that some people think that cats are silly because the cats

a. have funny-looking claws
b.Climb trees and cannot get down
c.frighten other cats.
d.are unable to rescue other cats

2. The expression “in reality” in line 5 could best be replaced by agreement contrast all probability fact

4.Look at the word hooked in paragraph. This word is closest in meaning to


5. The word “helpful” in line 8 could best be replaced by


When babies are born, they always have blue eyes. This is because the
melanin, the pigment that colors the eyes, is not on the surface of the iris.
Instead, it is within the creases of the iris. Because there is little melanin on the
surface of the iris, the eyes appear blue.
After a few months, the melanin moves to surface of the iris. It is the
amount of melanin on the surface that determines a person’s permanent eye
color, so it is at this point that a baby’s eyes develop the color they will have
for a lifetime.

5. The word “pigment” in line 2 is closest in meaning to


6.Look at the word surface in paragraph 1 . This word is closest in meaning to

7..The word “permanent” in line 6 could best be replaced by

d Possible

8.Look at the word point in paragraph 2 . This word could best replaced by



Among some groups of people, cats have a reputation as rather silly animals that are always getting themselves stuck in trees. Cats have often been known to become frightened of something, to run up a tree, and then to cry sadly until they are rescued. There is, in fact, a reasonable explanation for this type of behavior, and it has to do with the shape of the cat’s claws. A cat’s claws are curved in a direction that makes climbing up a tree a rather easy task. However, when it comes to climbing back down the tree, these claws are not very useful. Thus, if you happen to see a meowing cat stuck in a tree, have some sympathy for the cat. The cat managed to get up in the tree quite easily, but the shape of its claws make it quite impossible for the cat to climb down with the same ease.

1. The passage indicates that some people think that cats are silly because the cats

b. Climb trees and cannot get down

2. The expression “in reality” in line 5 could best be replaced by

d. in fact

4. Look at the word hooked in paragraph. This word is closest in meaning to

b. curved

5. The word “helpful” in line 8 could best be replaced by

c. useful

5. The word “pigment” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

b. Color

6. Look at the word surface in paragraph 1 . This word is closest in meaning to

a. top

7. The word “permanent” in line 6 could best be replaced by

c. lasting

8. Look at the word point in paragraph 2 . This word could best replaced by

c. time


saya bantu pakai bahasa Inggris ya


The passage indicates that some people think that cats are silly because the cats

b. Climb trees and cannot get down

The expression "in reality" in line 5 could best be replaced by

d. in fact

Look at the word "hooked" in paragraph. This word is closest in meaning to

b. curved

The word "helpful" in line 8 could best be replaced by

c. Useful

The word "pigment" in line 2 is closest in meaning to

b. Color

Look at the word "surface" in paragraph 1. This word is closest in meaning to

a. top

The word "permanent" in line 6 could best be replaced by

c. Lasting

Look at the word "point" in paragraph 2. This word could best replaced by

c. time

Tolonglah bantu saya mengerjakan soal ini The chili pepper is native to the Americas, but nowadays it is found all
over the world. It is an extremely popular spice in many cultures and is, in
fact, the world’s second favorite spice, after salt. There are more than a
hundred species of chili peppers, some of which are quite mild and others of
which are incredibly hot and spicy.
Today chili peppers are used to spice a variety of foods, e.g., salsa, meat
and rice dishes, and even jam and jelly. In the past, chili peppers had some
other, more unusual, uses. In ancient Mexico, for example, chilies could be
used to pay taxes. In addition, in Panama, these peppers were used to protect
against sharks.

1. The word “favorite” in line 3 is closest in meaning to

a. most popular
b. most recognized
c. most delicious known

2. Select on the word in paragraph 1 that is closest in meaning to “kinds”.


3.Look at the word jam in paragraph 2 . Jam is probably

a.A container for chilies
b.Something to wear
c.A type of chili
d.Something to eat

4.The expression “protect against” in lines 9-10 could best be replaced by

a.hunt for
b.flirt with
c.defend against
d.lean against

The Civil War created feverished manufacturing activity to supply
critical material, especially in the North. When the fighting stopped, the stage
was set for dramatic economic growth. Wartime taxes on production vanished,
and the few taxes that remained leaned heavily on real estate, not on business.
The population flow from farm to city increased, and the labor force it
provided was buttressed by millions of newly arrived immigrants willing to
work for low wages in the mills of the North and on the railroad crews of the
Midwest and West.
Government was nothing if not accomodating. It established tariff
barriers, provided loans and grants to build a transcontinental railroad, and
assumed a studied posture of nonintervention in private enterprise. The social
Darwinism of British philosopher Herbert Spencer and American economist
William Graham Summer prevailed. The theory was that business, if left to its
own devices, would eliminate the weak and nurture the strong. But as business
expanded, rivalry heated up. In the 1880’s, five railroads operating between
New York and Chicago were vying for traffic, and two more were under
construction. As a result of the battle, the fare between the cities decreased to
$ 1 . The petroleum industry suffered from similar savage competition, and in
the 1870’s, many oil industries failed.

5. The word ”prevailed” in line 12 means

a. Evolved

6.The phrase “left to its own devices” in line 12 means

a.Allowed to do as it pleased
b.Forced to do additional work
c.Made to change its plans
d.Encouraged to produce more goods

7.The word ”vying” in line 14 is closest in meaning to


8.The word “savage” can be best replaced with




1. a. most popular

2. a. species

3. d. Something to eat

4. c. defend against

5. c. Triumphed

6. a. Allowed to do as it pleased

7. d. Competing

8. c. Fierce


1. The word "favorite" means the most popular choice or option, so the correct answer is a. most popular.

2. The sentence is referring to the different kinds or species of chili peppers, so the closest meaning to the word "kinds" is a. species.

3. Jam is an edible product, so the correct answer is d. Something to eat.

4. To protect against something means to defend or guard oneself from it, so the best replacement for "protect against" is c. defend against.

5. The word "prevailed" means to triumph or win out over another, so the correct answer is c. Triumphed.

6. To leave something to its own devices means to allow it to do as it pleases without interference, so the best replacement for "left to its own devices" is a. Allowed to do as it pleased.

7. The word "vying" means to compete or struggle against another, so the correct answer is d. Competing.

8. The word "savage" means fierce or violent, so the best replacement is c. Fierce.

Pertanyaan Lainnya
16. Makna kata yang tercetak miring adalah... a. Wilayah, kegiatan menghasilkan, bahan makanan sum b. Kawasan, kegiatan menghabiskan, bahan makanan su c. Area, kegiatan mengantarkan, bahan makanan sumber d. Lingkup, kegiatan mengantarkan, bahan makanan sum ​ Kemampuan dalam menangani Multiple-Interrupts adalah fungsi yang diperlukan di sebagian besar sistem komputer general-purpose modern. Diskusikanlah mengapa demikian dan apa metode utama yang digunakan untuk menanganinya. DO 4 Hasil pencerminan titik B (4, -2) terhadap garis y = 5 adalah​ Tolong bantu saya dengan jawaban yang benar Tim HRD sebuah perusahaan sedang menentukan nilai akhir ujian seleksi calon karyawan A. Dari empat tes, A mendapatkan nilai masing-masing tes berturut-turut adalah 70, 70, 90, dan 50. Tes pertama dan kedua mempunyai bobot penilaian yang sama. Bobot tes kedua adalah 1⁄2 tes ketiga. Tes ketiga memiliki bobot 30%. Tes keempat memiliki bobot 40%. Jika nilai akhir adalah jumlah dari nilai tes yang dikalikan dengan bobot tes, Berapa nilai akhir A? Kelebihan dan kekurangan film trolls?​ will mempunyai ukuran kardus panjang 150 cm dan lebar 200 cm jika will menggunakan kardus tersebut untuk membuat box ukuran 50 cm dan lebar 20 cm berapakah box yang dihasilkan?​ Diketahui harga 5 USB dan 2 mouse Rp. 170.000. Sedangkan harga 4 USB dan 4 mouse Rp. 280.000. Jika Ahmad membeli 2 buah USB dan 2 buah mouse, berapakah harga yg harus d bayar Ahmad?​ A school bus is towed following a collision with a car on the Najor Deagan Expressway (1-87) in the Bronx on Friday, Sep 30. There were no major injuries reported among the 42 students and eight adults on board from St Joseph School in the Bronx (AP Photo/Jhon Sm Luas kurva y=x2 -3x +2 garis y=x-1 Afiz memiliki hapalan 30 diafal1/3 terus di afal lagi 1/5 berapa sisa afalan afiz Suatu pabrik roti dapat pesanan minimal 120 kaleng setiap hari. Roti terdiri dari dua jenis, roti asin dan roti manis. Setiap hari roti asin diproduksi paling sedikit 30 kaleng dan roti manis 50 kaleng. Biaya produksi roti asin yaitu Rp 15.000/kaleng, sedangkan roti manis Rp 20.000/kaleng. Berapa biaya operasional minimum yang harus dikeluarkan pabrik tsb dengan syarat pesanan terpenuhi! Di warnet A, Sri mencetak 4 lembar kertas A4 hitam putih dan 6 lembar kertas A4 berwarna dgn membayar Rp 8000. Di warnet yang sama Irfan mencetak 8 lembar kertas A4 hitam putih dan 4 lembar kertas A4 berwarna dengan membayar Rp 8.000. Berapakah harga cetak hitam putih kertas A4 perlembar dan cetak berwarna kertas A4 perlembar? plis bantu orang baikk​ Luas segitiga berapa? Seorang sejarawan sedang meneliti sebuah peristiwa sosial di masa lalu tentang terjadinya penyerobotan lahan petani oleh para pengusaha berdasarkan dokumen-dokumen badan pertanahan nasional, dokumen pengadilan, dan koran hasil liputan jurnalis yang menyaksikan peristiwa penyerobotan tersebut. Dokumen-dokumen tersebut secara sifat dapat dimasukkan ke dalam sumber Masalah metode produksi yang digunakan dalam produksi merupakan masalah ekonomi Manfaat utama adanya perizinan usaha bagi pemerintah daerah adalah … Berikut yang termasuk faktor-faktor pendorong terjadinya asimilasi adalah Berikut yang termasuk cara menghargai ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi adalah Menurut anda apa perbedaan peran sebagai coach dan sebagai guru