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complete the dialogue white exitable expression Aldi congratulation on winning the Marathon Rahmat Thanks I did the thing I could be the winner Aldi home like a Jaguar rahmat?​


Jawaban 1


Rahmat: "Wow, thank you! That would be amazing! I can't believe I won the marathon."

Aldi: "You deserve it. You trained hard and it paid off. You should be proud of yourself."

Rahmat: "I am. I never thought I could run that far, but I did it! I'm still in shock."

Aldi: "Well, enjoy the feeling because you deserve it. And don't forget to treat yourself to that new Jaguar you've been wanting."

Rahmat: "Ha ha, I definitely will! Thanks again for the congratulations, Aldi. I really appreciate it."

Pertanyaan Terkait

Perkenalkan dirimu sendiri dengan kata ganti pronoun.



Hello everyone, my name is Unio. I am pleased to meet you all. You can refer to me using the pronoun "I" or "me" when you are talking about me. For example, you could say 'Unio is a great person' or 'I am a great person.' Either way, it is clear that you are talking about me.

Andy: Hello, are you, Irfan?. Irfan: Hello. I am fine. Andy: How do you … your name?. Irfan: I - R - F - A - N.



Andy: Hello, how are you, Irfan?.

Irfan: Hello. I am fine.

Andy: How do you spell your name?.

Irfan: I - R - F - A - N.

7. Two weeks ago, She …. The math championship. Chose the correct verb. A. Win B. Wins C. Wined D. Won E. Wons.





semoga membantu...........

42. I’m Safa. I’m the student of SMPN 3 Sukabumi. I go to school by car. I have a lot of friends at school. I love …. School because big and clean. A. My B. Your C. Mine D. Yours E. She.



A. My


semoga membantu........

A. Supply PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE in the blank: 1. He. (teach) hi on to ride a bike. 2. A: Why ……………. Ann. (wear) her new dre?
B: Becaue he. (have) a party tonight. 3. Cindy uually doe the hopping, but I. (do) it today becaue he i ill. 4. She …………………………. (not / work), he(wim) in the river. 5. A: ……………………. Tom. (clean) hi hoe now?
B: No, he ……………………. He. (tidy) hi room. A: Where i hi brother?
B: He i in the garden, he. (water) the flower.



1) is teaching

2) is wearing, is having

3) am doing

4) is not working, is swimming

5) is cleaning, is tidying, is watering


soalnya banyak typo, maaf kalau salah karena saya menggunakan kata2 yang masuk akal di akal saya

9. Coffee probably originally grew wild in Ethiopia in the province of Kaffe, and from there ______ to outhern Arabia. A. Bringing it b. It wa brought c. Brought it d. It bring.



b. it was brought..........

Make a request to your Lab Instructor to provide extra time during experiments.



Dear Lab Instructor,

I am writing to request extra time during our experiments in the laboratory. I understand that the schedule is tight and that we need to adhere to a specific timeline, but I feel that I could benefit from a bit more time to complete the experiments and make sure that I fully understand the concepts and procedures involved.

I would appreciate it if you could consider allowing for a few extra minutes during each experiment session, or if possible, extending the length of the sessions by a short amount of time. I believe that this would help me to feel more confident and capable in the laboratory, and to make the most of the learning opportunities that are available to me.

Thank you for considering my request.


[Your Name]

What itu the writer's name?



the writer's name adalah nama penulis

Bahasa Inggrisnya "peran pemuda di era teknologi"​



the role of youth in the era of technology


"The Role of Youth in the Age of Technology"


semoga membantu

1.The conversation probably happens by 2.There are inside the Yogyakarta kembali monument.
3 In the evening,the speakers will​



1 percakapan mungkin terjadi oleh

Buat 15 kalimat positif menggunakan have dan has​



"I have a loving family and supportive friends."

"We have a beautiful home and a comfortable living space."

"She has a successful career and a bright future ahead of her."

"They have a strong relationship built on trust and respect."

"I have a great job that allows me to use my skills and passions."

"We have a fun and adventurous lifestyle."

"She has a positive attitude and always sees the best in people."

"They have a strong sense of community and are always willing to help others."

"I have a supportive network of people who encourage and motivate me."

"We have a healthy and active lifestyle."

"She has a great sense of humor and always knows how to make people laugh."

"They have a deep love and appreciation for the arts."

"I have the opportunity to learn and grow every day."

"We have a fulfilling and meaningful relationship."

"She has a kind and caring heart and is always willing to lend a helping hand."

A:Who....They B:They... the student from bandung. The Correct Word To Complete The Conversation Above Are Tolong Dijawab Ya Kaka"​




A: Who are they?

B: They are the students from Bandung.

Jadi, kata-kata yang tepat untuk menyelesaikan percakapan di atas adalah "are" dan "the students from Bandung".

4. Ali: What is your opinion about the movie? I think it's very interesting. Budi The underlined sentence expresses A. to ask for opinion B. to give opinion C. D. to get attention. to give attention​



A. to ask for opinion


ngk ada garis bawah daei soal soalnya

Procedure text Judul ...
Bagaimana cara menyetrika baju yang benar,...
Buat 7 langkah langkahnya dengan menggunakan bahasa indonesia n kemudian terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa inggris.​



first find the power cable

second find the iron

third plugs the power cable into nearby power source

fourth plug the iron wire

and then set the iron desired temperature lift the iron and start slide it across the cloth

and if desired and if there kispray

spray it to the cloth

and if done hanged the cloth

and there you have it a nice and clean cloth

7. Do you understand what I mean?. The sentence is the expression of .........​


Jawaban :

expression of Checking understand ←

penjelasan :

Checking understand is common to inform the other person whether he understands what we are saying.

Hope Its help you


13. Dear Dora, Congratulation on your success on the Singing Contest. May today success be just the beginning of your long life achievement and happiness. Remember the challenge is waiting for you in the next Contest. Nevertheless, I believe that you can handle it well. Good luck! Your best friend, Yuli The purpose of the text above is 14 Arrange the umbla​



1. to congratulate Dora on her success in the Singing Contest

2. to encourage Dora to keep up the good work

3. to remind Dora that there is a new challenge waiting for her

4. to wish Dora luck in the upcoming Contest

5. to express belief in Dora's ability to handle the challenge

The following text is for questions number 10 and 11! 1 (10) speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. (11) just say a few things in the language. Now, I 10. a. can b. could b. could 11. a. can 12. I don't want to speak to Mary today but I b. could a. can c. will c. will speak to her tomorrow. c. will d. would d. would d. would​



11 a.


i can (present ) saat

i could (present /tdk mungkin terjadi) atau past sdh lewat.

15. You want to go out from the class, because you must collect the paper test to Math's teacher. What will you say?​



Excuse me sir. Can i go outside for a minute? I have to collect my paper test to the Maths Teacher

Analysis of grammar (tenses) of the text he took of his own cap and three

KK tolong analysis kn teks yg di atas ​



Dari teks tersebut, terdapat satu kata kerja yaitu "took" yang digunakan dalam bentuk Past Tense. Kata kerja "took" merupakan bentuk Past Tense dari kata kerja "take". Past Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang terjadi di masa lalu.

Sedangkan, tidak ada kata kerja lain yang terdapat dalam teks tersebut, sehingga tidak dapat dianalisis tenses-nya. Sekian, semoga informasi ini membantu Anda.


maaf kalau salah kak

Simple present tense ubahlah menjadi negative 1. aida comes to school early
2. Jaka doesn't play badminton
3. we aren't riding bicycle
4. Will you be wake up late?​​



Berikut adalah bentuk negative dari simple present tense yang Anda sebutkan:

1. Aida doesn't come to school early.

2. Jaka plays badminton.

3. We are riding bicycle.

4. Will you not be wake up late?

Pertanyaan Lainnya
Sebutkan nama-nama keraton beserta daerahnya yg ada di kalbar​ 11. Dari dua petak sawahnya, Pak Rido memanen padi sebanyak 18- kuintal. la memberikan 2,5 kuintal hasil panennya kepada adiknya. Tetangga sebelah rumahnya pun diberí hasil panen tersebut sebanyak kuintal. Hasil panen padi yang masih dimiliki Pak Rido sebanyak kuintal.​ jelaskan korelasi antara pasien yang secara fisik dan mental sehat dan mereka yang secara fisik dan mental tidak sehat menurut ali bin al-abbas al-majusi.​ Buatlah cerpen dengan jumlah kata 800-1500 Bertema Remaja dan Mimpinya​ Perilaku masyarakat yang tetap mempertahankan adat-istiadat Perhatikan slogan berikut di bumi damai untuk ketenangan di hati perbaikan terhadap slogan tersebut yang tepat adalah 3. Hasil dari 27² -192+23² = . A. 1.651 B. 897 C. 561 D. 161​ Sebutkan dan jelaskan letak geografis dari museum sasmitaloka jenderal sudirman yogyakarta​ Buktikanlah bahwa n²>n+1​, untuk bilangan asli n>2 4. Perkiraan informasi yang terdapat pada judul nomor (3) adalah a. manfaat menjaga lingkungan b. contoh perilaku positif dalam mengisi kemerdekaan c. akibat tidak menjaga lingkungan sekitar d. pentingnya peran remaja dalam menjaga lingkungan 5.​ 4. Persamaan kuadrat 2x2 + qx + (q-1) = 0 mempunyai akar-akar x₁ dan x2. Jika x₁2+x₂2=4 danq>0, maka nilaiq adalah.... a. 6 b. 5 d. 3 e. 2 C. 4​ 1 masukkan bahan-bahan yang akan diaduk ke dalam wadah mixer 2 keluarkan adonan lalu cucilah wadah dan batang mixer 3 colokan steker mixer ke stop kontak 4 pasangkan wadah mixer 5 aturlah kecepatannya 6 setelah selesai matikan mixer dengan menekan tombol off 7 hidupkan mixer dengan menekan tombol on 8 sebutlah stiker mixer dari stop kontak susunlah teks petunjuk di atas yang benar adalah a 1 3 7 4 5 6 8 2 B 31745682 C 41375682 D 7 4315682​ Tuliskan bunyi pasal 26 ayat 1 dan 2 pasal 27 ayat 1 dan 2, pasal 28, pasal 30 ayat 1 dan 2.​ Ini kali pertama aku berlayar melintasi Samudra yang terbentang luas ada cemas juga takut yang terasa doa selamat pun sampai terucap melihat ombak bergulung-gulung di lautan lepas bentuk prosa dari puisi tersebut adalahh..... a Ayahku seorang pelaut ia sering melintasi Samudra yang luas ia sangat pemberani sekalipun ombak bergulung-gulung dengan dahsyatnya b aku memiliki sebuah pengalaman mengerikan saat naik kapal laut saat itu ombak bergulung-gulung di Samudra kapal laut bergoyang-goyang membuatku merasa mual Aku tidak mau naik kapal laut lagi C rasanya cemas dan takut ketika Ayahku menceritakan pengalamannya saat naik kapal laut kapal layar melintasi Samudra yang luas Ayah melihat ombak bergulung-gulung di lautan lepas namun syukurlah Ayahku selamat sampai tujuan D Aku memiliki sebuah pengalaman saat pertama kali mengarungi samudra yang luas aku melihat ombak bergulung-gulung di lautan luas rasanya sungguh cemas dan takut dalam hati berdoa semoga selamat. ​ Sebuah lingkara mempunyai luas 314cm2.jari jari lingkran tersebuy adalah 5. Bayangan yang dihasilkan oleh cermin cembung adalah...​ Jika potensial reduksi dari: Cr³+ + 2e → Cr Eº = - 0,74 volt Cu²+ + 2e → Cu E° = +0,34 volt - Harga potensial sel untuk reaksi: 2Cr + 3Cu²+ 2Cr³+ + 3Cu adalah volt -> ​ 4. Perkiraan informasi yang terdapat pada judul nomor (3) adalah a manfaat menjaga lingkungan b contoh perilaku positif dalam mengisi kemerdekaan cakibat tidak menjaga lingkungan sekitar d. pentingnya peran remaja dalam menjaga lingkungan​ 2. Hasil dari operasi 51 (-17) x (-18) adalah .... ​ Tentukan penyelesaian dengan operasi baris elementer x+y+z=-6 x-2y+z = 3 -2x+y+z= 9