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He deerved- I think that - to be- of the peech contet – the firt winner 1 2 3 4 5 The bet arrangement i… * A. 2-1-3-4-5 B. 2-1-3-5-4 C. 3-4-2-1-5 D. 1-3-2-4-5.


Jawaban 1

B. 2-1-3-5-4


Pertanyaan Terkait

JAR OF HEARTS Christina Perri I know I can’t take one more step towards you ‘Cause all that’s waiting is regret Don’t you know I’m not your ghost anymore You lost the love I loved the most I learned to live half alive Now you want me one more time Who do you think you are? Runnin’ ’round leaving scars Collecting your jar of hearts Tearing love apart You’re gonna catch a cold From the ice inside your soul So don’t come back for me Who do you think you are? What does the woman want from her ex-man?.



It's unclear what the woman wants from her ex-man in the song "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri. The lyrics suggest that she is no longer interested in him and wants him to stay away from her. She accuses him of causing her pain and refers to him as having a cold and empty soul. She may want him to take responsibility for his actions and leave her alone.

In - There - books - cupboard - are - twenty - not - my *.



There are not twenty books in my cupboard

In what occassions you give congratulations to someone?.



1. When someone gets engaged

Contoh: Best wishes on your engagement!

2. When someone gets married

Contoh: Congratulation on your marriage. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness,

3. When someone gets a job promotion

Contoh: Congratulation on your job promotion. You deserve it!

4. When someone gets a new job

Contoh: You got the job! Well done!

5. When someone has a new baby

Contoh: Congratulation on your baby. I'm so happy for you!

6. When someone passes an exam

Contoh: Congrats on your exam results!

7. When someone graduates from school

Contoh: I'd like to congratulate for your graduation.

8. When someone wins an election

Contoh: Congratulatios, you did it!

9. When someone wins a race or contest

Contoh: Please accept my warmest congratulation on your award.

10. When someone celebrate birthday

Contoh: Happy birthday to you. I wish you all the best



How would you say to decline the invitation politely? Ma.



Sorry, i can't come. I have to visit my grandma tomorrow.

Hope it helps.

Earthquake imot deadly natural hazardcan caue



the deadly natural hazard earthquakes can cause.


semoga membantu

Do you think Carol. Save her money or pendy?he i planning to europat bia ummer.


I think carol save her money, because we need lots of money when going on vacation

Dia selalu pergi bekerja dengan mobil ubah ke past tense.



Dia selalu pergi bekerja dengan mobil -> He always went to work by car.

Dadang : I will take part of the bicycling race thi year. Melani : Are you eriou? Well, …. Dadang : Thank you for upporting me The bet expreion to congratulate i ….



tugasnya apa? memperbaiki typo?

thi -> this

eriou -> serious

upporting -> supporting

bet -> best

expreion -> expression

I yang terakhir -> i'm

Contoh kalimat poitif dan negatif imple perfect tene V3.



simple perfect tense

(+) I have lived in Jakarta for 3 years

(-) I have not lived in Jakarta for 3 years

(?) Have I lived in Jakarta for 3 years ?

Ananta: I just lost my girlfriend. She is my fiance now. I am so happy! Valen: _________. I hope you have a great life together. Ananta: That's nice of you to say so.



Congratulating Someone:



Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Congratulating Someone (mengucapkan selamat kepada orang lain) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Konteks situasinya dalam percakapan adalah bahwa Ananta barus saja bertunangan dengan kekasihnya, kemudia Valen sebagai teman Ananta mengucapkan "Congratulations! (Selamat!)" kepada Ananta dan berharap agar hubungan Ananta dan tunangannya langgeng.

Semoga membantu ya.

28. Today is Wednesday, three days later will be..... a. Tuesday Saturday 29. They are farmers form c. Friday d. Thursday​





maaf kalo salah

Apa bahaa indoneianya what ninety three minu fourteen.



what ninety three minus fourteen.

Artinya :

berapa sembilan puluh tiga dikurangi empat belas.

93-14 = 79 (seventy nine)

A Komodo dragon is native animals of Indonesia. They are very big. People sometimes call them giant lizards. It is very dangerous. They eat deer, wild pigs and other komodo dragons. Komodo dragons are reptiles. It has cold blood and it lays eggs. A komodo dragon can’t run but it can climb a tree. It can lives without eating for weeks or even months. What animals that eat by komodo dragon.


Komodo Dragon eats Deer, Wild Pigs and other Komodo Dragons.


Soal: "Apa saja Hewan yang dimakan oleh Komodo?"
Jawaban: "Komodo memakan Rusa, Babi Liar dan Komodo lainnya"
Kata Kunci: "They eat deer, wild pigs and other komodo dragons." (Mereka memakan Rusa, Babi Liar dan Komodo lainnya.)

*Jika ini membantu, jadikan jawaban terbaik ya..

╲⎝⧹(  ´ᴗ`  ) ⎠╱

31. My friend asked me, '' who is sitting on your chair?" my friend asked me.



teman saya bertanya kepada saya, "siapa yang duduk di kursi Anda?" teman saya bertanya kepada saya.

A. Where i prof. Dr. R. Soegarda poerbakawatja mueum? B. What collection are three in the mueum?.



Mohon maaf tetapi soal tersebut kemungkinan memerlukan text untuk dijawab karena tidak dapat dijawab tanpa adanya referensi

"It give up and drown in the milk". The word it in the entence refer to.



Milk is liquid food given to infants because it provides them with with the nutrients they need to grow in a form their young bodies can take in and digest. Rote-learning is feeding on milk. Drowning in milk is being so covered up in rote-learned information that you are being suffocated by it,implying you need to get away from it and pursue actual experiential learning. There really is no substitute for experience, and understand this; that good rote learning will only ever be made more real to us by us having experiential knowledge of life. Milk (second-hand learned dogma, principles, concepts) is good, but it does not do to drown in them, does it? Seek the experience of life that will really fulfill your need to know what life is all about.


sorry of wrong


I Have found a pure. Judging by it weight it mut be full of gold "" The entence above imply.



he/she found something inside a container and judging by the weight he thought that it must be full of gold

10. The T model car, introduce in 1908, _______ $850.



Jawaban yang cocok adalah at


"at $850 berarti pada harga 850 dollar"

17. Where is the label of the product usually found? A. At the toiletries product At the bakery product B. C. At the furniture product D. At the fashion product​



17. Where is the label of the product usually found?

A. At the toiletries product

B. At the bakery product

C. At the furniture product

D. At the fashion product

A. at the toiletries product.

1. What doe the teacher ay to congratulate Lina ? 2. What doe Lina ay to repond the teacher ? 3. What do her friend ay to congratulate Lina ? 4. What doe Lina ay to repond her friend ? 5. What doe dayu ay to congratulate Lina ? 6. What doe Lina ay to repond to Dayu ? 7. What doe Beny ay to congratulae Lina ? 8. What doe Lina ay to repond to Beni ? 9. What doe Siti ay to congratulate Lina ? 10. What doe Lina ay to repond to Siti ?.



pertanyaan nya kurang lengkap

teks ttg Lina nya mana?

Pertanyaan Lainnya
Jelaskan apa yang kamu ketahuai tentang kerajinan bahan keras?. Jelaskan berdasarkan pendapat dan pengalaman kalian tentang manfaat sejaarah dalam kehidupan sehari�hari? Sertakan dengan dua contoh. Harga ebuah buku ama dengan dua kali harga penil. Jika5 buku dan 15 penil harganya Rp25. 000,00, harga atu buku. Harga 3 penil dan 5 pulpen Rp 35. 000,00 edangkan harga 2 penil dan 3 pulpen Rp 22. 000,00 Maka harga atu penil dan 2 pulpen adalah Rp. Hal utama yang ditonjolkan dari karya dekoratif adalah. Hal yang terkandung dalam paal 27 ayat 1 uud 1945 adalah. Hal poitif dari perbedaan item politik dan ideologi bagi aean adalah. Guna menampilkan isi folder pada explorer yang sedang dipilih dapat dilihat pada… 5. Tentukanlah Himpunan Penyelesaian dari cos x°-√3 sin x = -1, untuk persamaan 0° ≤ x ≤ 360° ​ 0,1 mol larutan a dilarutkan dalam 0,5 liter air, 0,5 mol larutan b dilarutkan dalam 5 liter air. Jika kedua larutan diukur pada temperatur yang sama, maka tekanan osmosis larutan a adalah debit air yg keluar dari sebuah keran adalah 0,6 liter/detik. Jika sebuah kolam air memiliki volume 360 liter, berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengisi kolam air tersebut sampai penuh?​ Jelaskan apa yang akan terjadi jika dalam tatanan hidup masyarakat hukum tidak ditegakkan!. Jelaskan 4 tehnik dasar permainan Bulu tangkis yang kamu ketahui. Jelaskan analisamu mengapa pembukaan UUD negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 tidak dapat di ubah oleh siapapun. Jelaskajelaskan unsur unsur pendukung dalam seni tarin langkah-langkah mengaransemen lagu. Jarak dari solo menuju Semarang pada peta 10 cm Dengan skala 1: 2. 500. 000 maka jarak yg sebenarnya adalah. JAR OF HEARTS Christina Perri I know I can’t take one more step towards you ‘Cause all that’s waiting is regret Don’t you know I’m not your ghost anymore You lost the love I loved the most I learned to live half alive Now you want me one more time Who do you think you are? Runnin’ ’round leaving scars Collecting your jar of hearts Tearing love apart You’re gonna catch a cold From the ice inside your soul So don’t come back for me Who do you think you are? What does the woman want from her ex-man?. Istilah dalam olah raga tangan berjala kaki di pegang. Hail penjualan jeruk etiap hari 25 1per2 berpakah hail elama emingu. Buatlah dalam rumunya. Hail dari 3 per 4 dikali 1 1per4 dibagi 1 1 per 2 adalah.