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1 What is recount text? 2. Write your experience in to paragraphs when you
get holiday
3. Telling about yourself!
4 What is event in recount text?
S, What tensels is/are used in recount text?​


Jawaban 1


1.Recount text is a type of text that tells about a story, action, or activity. Usually, recount texts retell the past both happy and sad

2.vacation to grandma's house

This holiday was very memorable for me. My father took me on vacation to my grandmother's house in a village in Solok Regency, West Sumatra. Actually, I haven't been to Grandma's village for a long time. So the opportunity to go on vacation to my grandmother's house really pleased me.

At eight o'clock in the morning I left with my father. My father was riding a motorbike and I was riding in the back. After traveling for tens of kilometers, we finally arrived at my grandmother's house.

The next day, I was invited by my father's nephew to go to my grandmother's rice field. Incidentally that day grandmother was harvesting rice. Grandma's rice field is not far from home. In just a few minutes I arrived at the location of Grandma's rice fields. Many people are harvesting rice in grandmother's rice fields. Some are slashing rice. There are also those who thresh rice grains with a rice thresher.

3.My name (name) I am a student from school.... I am a child (how many) from the family. I really like (hobby)

4.Recount text is one type of text in learning English which has a function to retell events or experiences that occurred in the past. This text aims to provide information and/or entertain the readers who read this article the purpose of the experience is to tell an incident that may be of interest to those who read it

5. simple past tense

Pertanyaan Terkait

I drink a glass of milk every day to passive voice


Harusnya im having a glass of milk bukan im drinking im drinking bibir bibirmu
A glass of milk is drunk by me every day

Let me tell you about my bedroom. There are many kinds of furniture in my bedroom. In the centre of my room, there is my bed. The bed is made of wood and big. There is a nice bed cover and a warm blanket for my bed. On the right side of my bed, there is a wardrobe. I put my clothes in it. On the left side of my bed, there is a bookshelf. I put my books there. There IS a table and a chair next to the shelf. I usually sit there to study. On the table, there is a desk lamp. When I study in the evening, I always turn on the lamp. There is also an alarm clock on my table. I set the alarm in the evening before I go to bed. It wakes me up in the morning. I always clean my bedroom every day. I arrange things neatly to make my bedroom comfortable to live in.Where is the location of the desk lamp? *​



on the table


There IS a table and a chair next to the shelf. I usually sit there to study. On the table, there is a desk lamp. When I study in the evening, I always turn on the lamp.

B. Said d. Umar Said
8. Walisanga yang pernah menjaba
sebagai panglima perang
kesultanan Demak adalah ....
a. Syarif Hidayatullah
b. Raden Rahmat
c.Makhdum Ibrahim




28. Write at least three of tools in a hospital and the functions!


1. Stethoscope, used to listen to body sounds.

2. Thermometer, used to check your body temperature.

3. Weighing scale, used to measure the weight of your body.

13.A: "Did you have computer science on Monday?" B: "No, I ...." * A. do not
B. did not
C. do
D. did
14. ".... he read novel last night?" *
A. Does
B. Did
C. Was
D. is

15. She read a book ... yesterday? *
A. do
B. does
C. did
D. done




13. B. did not

14. B. Did

15. C. Did


Yg nomor 15 harusnya did nya ada di depan kalimat karena itu kalimat tanya

Semoga membantu..

Things on the kitehen​




Cutting board


Rice Cooker











Bread Maker


Cheese Maker


Sandwich Maker


benda benda di dapur


spoon sendok

plate pirong

knife pisau

fork garpu

pan wajan

smoga membantu maaf klo salah ")

45. We are facing a Global Pandemic called Covid-19 or it is well known as Corona.
Now, make a short paragraph (at least 5 sentences) to tell
about your past activities during “Study from Home"!​



terjemahan :

Kita sedang menghadapi Pandemi Global yang disebut Covid-19

atau lebih dikenal dengan Corona.

Sekarang, buatlah paragraf pendek (minimal 5 kalimat) untuk diceritakan to

tentang aktivitas masa lalu Anda selama "Belajar dari Rumah"!

What do you think about the doktor? b:... i d love it.​



A doctor is someone who because of his knowledge tries to heal people who are sick. Not everyone who cures disease can be called a doctor. To become a doctor usually requires special education and training and has a degree in medicine.

Penjelasan: foodball field yesterday. A. Is
B. Are
C. Was
D. Were




c. Was


Karena ini simple past tense, jadinya pakai yang verb 2

Semoga membantu..





menggunakan bentuk lampau simple atau past tense

smoga membantu maaf klo salah

C. See b. Bite
3. He ... kicking the ball
d. Had
a. Am
b. Is
c. Are
4. They are eating pizza.
Bentuk negative kalimat diatas yaitu...
a. They are not eating pizza
c. They are eating pizza?
b. Are they eating pizza?
d. They do not eating pizza
5. What is it?
a. Airport
b. Port
Bus station
d. Railway station
6. We buy medicines in...
a. Market
b. Port
c. Bus station​



3. b. Is

4. a. They are not eating pizza

5. - (tidak ada gambar)

6. Drug store (tidak ada pilihannya, tapi jawabannya drug store ya adek)


Make my answer the smartest, thnks

Jadikan jawabanku tercerdas ya dek, tks

I usually wear a hat on a...​





semoga membantu !

Junior.... an active student last year. A. Were
B. Was
C. Are
D. Is




A. Junior was an active student last year


Semoga membantu..

A house __________ with recycled materials. * -can built
-can build
-can be built
-can be build


A house can be build with recycled materials.

Sebuah rumah dapat dibangun dengan bahan daur ulang.

I usually wear a... on rainy day​



I usually wear a raincoat on rainy day​


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan jas hujan (raincoat) digunakan untuk melindungi diri dari hujan saat hari sedang hujan.

Semoga membantu ya.


I usually wear a rain coat on rainy day

Raincoat: Jas hujan

(13 x 24) + 5 = ... The right statement is ...
A. three hundred and seventien
B. three hundred and seventyien
C. three hundred and seventeen
D. three hundred and seventen​





tiga ratus tujuh belas

perkalian harus diselesaikan terlebih dahulu

dan juga penulisan yang benar untuk menyatakan puluhan yaitu


Smoga membantu maaf klo salah

A hen eats artinya
bantu saya ya temen temen​



Seekor induk ayam makan


Hen adalah induk ayam

Maaf ya kalau salah

Semoga membantu


How many sense do you have​



5 sense


kita mempunyai 5 panca indra

sight melihat

touch peraba

smell membau

taste pengecap

hearing mendengar

Tambah semangat belajar lagi yah...

Smoga membantu maaf klo salah =)

SOAL UJIAN BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS XI SEMESTER GENAP 2001 1 jack I saw the accident yesterday haw is your leg now?
Anachi Irsreally hurt I can't move it from the dialog above ana is expressing-
a Love
h Sadness
C Pain
e Happiness
Penguin in the park
Once a man was walking in a park when he came across a penguin. He took him to
a policeman and said Thave just found this penguin What should I do? the policeman
replied, ale him to the zon
The next day the policeman saw the same man in the park and the man was still
carrying the penguin with him the policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the
man and asked why are you still carrying that penguin about? Didn t you take into the
2007 I certainly did replied the man. And it was a great idea because he really enjoyed
so today I Memling him to the movies!!
(Taken from her kulum 2004 Standar Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris
2. Where did the man find the penguin?
At the station
b in the zoo
in the parl
in the movie
3 What was the policeman suggest to the man?
a To take the penguin to the mo
To take the penguin to these
To bring the penguin home
To the pengan
To give the per into the policeman
4 What is the type of the
Sathapped the day
dhe pengum was in the
the found another pengun and carrygham
the plan was carag the pengan
6. And it was
great so today imtainghat he​



1.pain the park take the penguin to the zoo


Sisanya belum terjawab karen soal tidak lengkap terbaca

31. My mother stays at home everyday. She cooks and does many kinds of job in my house.
What is my mother?

bantu jawab dong ​





artinya ibu rumah tangga

Tambah semangat belajar lagi yah...

Smoga membantu maaf klo salah =)

Tuliskan 2 hak siswa berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 28 Tahun 1990​


Jawaban:Mendapat perlakuan sesuai dengan bakat, minat, dan kemampuannya; Memperoleh pendidikan agama sesuai dengan agama yang dianutnya; ... Menyelesaikan program pendidikan lebih awal dari waktu yang ditentukan; Mendapat pelayanan khusus bilamana menyandang cacat


Pertanyaan Lainnya
Aksara Sunda dipaké mimitina dina abad ka … * 13 14 15 16 17 ​ I CIUMIRI Kallal UUIINUL Ubu Rencanakan terlebih dahulu waktu belajar agar supaya kegiatan belajar Anda teratur 6. Buatlah masing-masing satu contoh kalimat yang mengandung kata hubung atau konjungsi (serta, apabila, dan seandainya)!​ Kegiatan manusia yang dapat menyebabkan kebakaran hutan adalah... a. Acara kemping yang diadakan sekolah b. Berenang di sungai c. membuang puntung rokok di semak-semak kering d. memangkas rumput liar di halaman​ Berikut dibawah ini merupakan prinsip pengolahan kerajinan limbah keras, kecuali….. * 2 poin a. Rebuild b. Reuse c. Recycle d. Reduce ​ Kegiatan menggambar yang menggunakan model sebagai objek gambarannya disebut .... A gambar proyeksi B. gambar model C. gambar ilustrasi D. gambar teknik​ Berikut ini yang merupakan salah satu dari peran Indonesia dalam organisasi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) adalah …​ Sebutkan 3 contoh alat yang digunakan pada saat senam lantai​ 25. Tuliskan 2 ciri-ciri hidup Rukun!​ Berikut ini manakah yang merupakan salah satu contoh karya seni rupa terapan kecuali​ Terjemahkan hadist dibawah ini​ Yang merupakan salah satu faktor penghambat integrasi nasional adalah..​ Salah satu prinsip persatuan dan kesatuan adalah Bhinneka Tunggal Ika yang kini kita agar​ Karya seni yang memiliki ukuran panjang, lebar dan ruang dan melihat nilai praktis dalam pembuatannya adalah​ Ukuran lapangan bola voli​ Where can you find the item in the picture? a. In a bedroom b. In a bathroom c. In a living room d. In a garage The following Text is for questions number 6 to 8. My school canteen has just been renovated. Now, the place is comfortable to have meals, break. There are new chairs and tables. The wall is painted blue. There are garbage bins to ke c. The place is very crowded d. The place is smaller. c. To describe the writer's sc d. To describe the canteen k 6. What is the place like now? a. The place is bigger. b. The place is very comfortable. 7. What is the purpose of the text? a. To inform on how to reach the school canteen. b. To explain about things sold in a school canteen 8. " keep the place clean." The opposite meaning of clean is.... a. Dirty b. clear The following text is for questions number 9 to 12. c. Healthy​ Bagaimana pola irama pada lagu​ Di bawah ini yang tidak termasuk sikap etnosentrisme yang menganggap budaya daerahnya lebih tingg dan budaya orang lain dianggap rendah ditunjukkan dengan sikap A Manghormati dan menghargai budaya daerah lain B. Mongutamakan kelompok daerahnya C Memilih pemimpin atas dasar daerah asalnya D. Memaksakan budaya daerah kepada orang lain​ 40. Perhatian pernyataan berikut! 1. Identifikasi kebutuhan dan ide/gagasan 2. Bahan, alat, dan proses pembuatan 3. Penyajian/pengemasan 4. Evaluasi Langkah-langkah/proses pembuatan produk pangan yang benar adalah .... A. 1, 2, 3, 4 C. 2, 4, 1,3 B. 2, 3, 1,4 D. 2, 1, 3,4​ Suatu kondisi dalam masyarakat yang terdapat banyak perbedaan dalam berbagai bidang​ Kelangkaan menjadi hal mendasar dalam permasalahan ekonomi. Permasalahan ekonomi bisa menimpa siapa saja terutama para pelaku ekonomi dan menyebabkan adanya pengorbanan ekonomis bagi manusia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan yang sifatnya tidak terbatas. Salah satu alasan terjadinya kelangkaan adalah .... *​