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Makna dari goodafternoon good evening dan good morning.


Jawaban 1


Good afternoon = selamat siang

good evening = selamat sore

good morning = selamat pagi

Pertanyaan Terkait

Susun kata hingga menjadi nama profesi dalam b. Inggris m-o-s-p-t-n-a







It ______________ thi winter. The weather i hotter than lat year.



It is hotter this winter. The weather is hotter than last year.


"It" merupakan subjek dari kalimat tersebut, dan "is" merupakan verb (kata kerja) yang sesuai dengan subjek tersebut. "Hottest" merupakan kata sifat yang menjelaskan kondisi cuaca saat ini, yaitu lebih panas daripada tahun lalu. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah "is hotter".

I ( aux) jut recaived a letter from my brother, tim.



I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim.


Auxiliary verb yang cocok untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah have. Kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk Present Perfect Tense karena adanya verb 3 dari receive yaitu received.

Present Perfect Tense: S + have/has + V³ + O

Herb i my uncle Marge i my mother i am the firt on in my family who am i?.



im your grandmother and your grandpa


semoga bermanfaat

I like playing football. I play for Indonesia National Team. I am a….


>FootBall Player
>Soccer Player


Soal: "Aku suka bermain Sepak Bola. Aku bermain untuk Tim Nasional. Aku adalah ..."
Jawaban: "Pemain Sepak Bola"
Kata Kunci: "I am a..." (Aku adalah...)

  • FootBall disini di-Asumsikan sebagai "Sepak Bola" (Soccer) maka dari itu memiliki banyak penyebutan pada jawaban (Artinya sama). Hal ini dikarenakan di Amerika: FootBall dan Soccer adalah Game yang berbeda namun di banyak negara menyebut Soccer sebagai FootBall (Pusing emang).
  • Sedangkan FootBall sendiri adalah Permainan yang menyerupai Rugby dengan Bola yang Lonjong tidak bulat seperti Sepak Bola.

How …. Money do you have?. B: I have $ 5 for shopping.


A: "How much money do you have?"

B: "I have $5 for shopping"

How well does he …. Badminton?, B: Not very well, I think.


A: "How well does he playing Badminton?"

B: "Not very well, i think"

Do you bring the novel. I gave it toyou yeterday?.



Yes I give your novel yesterday





"The Old Woman Who Lived in a Vinegar Bottle" is a folktale about an old woman who lived in a vinegar bottle. One day, a group of travelers came to the woman's village and saw the bottle in which she lived. They were amazed by the small size of the bottle and asked the woman how she managed to fit inside. The old woman explained that she had been cursed by a wicked witch and was forced to live in the bottle.

Despite the difficulties of living in such a small space, the old woman remained cheerful and grateful for what she had. The travelers were touched by the woman's positive attitude and decided to help her break the curse. They consulted with a wise man, who told them that the only way to break the curse was to get the old woman to laugh.

The travelers tried their best to make the old woman laugh, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, one of them had an idea. He told a funny joke, and to everyone's surprise, the old woman burst out laughing. The curse was broken, and the old woman was able to leave the bottle and live a normal life once again. The travelers were overjoyed and thanked the old woman for showing them the power of positivity and gratitude.

Excuse me, How much …. Those oranges?. B: Those are $5/kilo.




Excuse me, How much are Those oranges?. B: Those are $5/kilo.


Jawaban dicetak tebal.

Kita menggunakan Tobe "are" karena kata benda oranges itu jamak.

Excuse me, How much are Those oranges?. B: Those are $5/kilo. (Permisi, Berapa harga jeruk itu?. B: Itu harganya $5/kilo.)

Penggunaan Tobe "are" juga diperkuat kebenarannya dari soal, yaitu pada saat si penjual jeruk tersebut, yaitu B, memberikan jawabannya dengan mengatakan B:Those are $5/kilo. yang mana kata "those" merujuk kepada jeruk-jeruk tersebut yang jumlahnya jamak kemudian diikuti dengan penggunaan Tobe "are" menjadi B:Those are $5/kilo.

Semoga membantu ya.

Cindy ha to deliver a preentation to a client about the market reearch that her company doe. The correct entence ia.



Cindy has to deliver a presentation to a client about the market research that her company does.

Change thee active voice entence into paive voice baed of preent continue tene.



ini soalnya ga ada, cuma instruksi

Brian: Hello James. How many sisters do you have?. James: I have …. Sisters.



Soal kurang lengkap, tapi masih bisa dijawab dengan angka prular, seperti 2,3, some, dll.


Make 5 possesive sentence​



Possessive Pronouns: Used in Sentences

•The kids are yours and mine.

•The house is theirs and its paint is flaking.

•The money was really theirs for the taking.

•We shall finally have what is rightfully ours.

•Their mother gets along well with yours.

•What's mine is yours, my friend.

•The dog is mine.

•The cat is yours.


maaf salah

complete the dialogue white exitable expression Aldi congratulation on winning the Marathon Rahmat Thanks I did the thing I could be the winner Aldi home like a Jaguar rahmat?​



Rahmat: "Wow, thank you! That would be amazing! I can't believe I won the marathon."

Aldi: "You deserve it. You trained hard and it paid off. You should be proud of yourself."

Rahmat: "I am. I never thought I could run that far, but I did it! I'm still in shock."

Aldi: "Well, enjoy the feeling because you deserve it. And don't forget to treat yourself to that new Jaguar you've been wanting."

Rahmat: "Ha ha, I definitely will! Thanks again for the congratulations, Aldi. I really appreciate it."

Perkenalkan dirimu sendiri dengan kata ganti pronoun.



Hello everyone, my name is Unio. I am pleased to meet you all. You can refer to me using the pronoun "I" or "me" when you are talking about me. For example, you could say 'Unio is a great person' or 'I am a great person.' Either way, it is clear that you are talking about me.

Andy: Hello, are you, Irfan?. Irfan: Hello. I am fine. Andy: How do you … your name?. Irfan: I - R - F - A - N.



Andy: Hello, how are you, Irfan?.

Irfan: Hello. I am fine.

Andy: How do you spell your name?.

Irfan: I - R - F - A - N.

7. Two weeks ago, She …. The math championship. Chose the correct verb. A. Win B. Wins C. Wined D. Won E. Wons.





semoga membantu...........

42. I’m Safa. I’m the student of SMPN 3 Sukabumi. I go to school by car. I have a lot of friends at school. I love …. School because big and clean. A. My B. Your C. Mine D. Yours E. She.



A. My


semoga membantu........

A. Supply PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE in the blank: 1. He. (teach) hi on to ride a bike. 2. A: Why ……………. Ann. (wear) her new dre?
B: Becaue he. (have) a party tonight. 3. Cindy uually doe the hopping, but I. (do) it today becaue he i ill. 4. She …………………………. (not / work), he(wim) in the river. 5. A: ……………………. Tom. (clean) hi hoe now?
B: No, he ……………………. He. (tidy) hi room. A: Where i hi brother?
B: He i in the garden, he. (water) the flower.



1) is teaching

2) is wearing, is having

3) am doing

4) is not working, is swimming

5) is cleaning, is tidying, is watering


soalnya banyak typo, maaf kalau salah karena saya menggunakan kata2 yang masuk akal di akal saya

Pertanyaan Lainnya
Agar {(3,2),(4,2),(3,1),(7,1),(2,3)} menjadi suatu fungsi pasangan yang harus dibalik (x jadi y dan y jadi x) dari himpunan pasangan berurutan tersebut adalah. Skala sebuah denah rumah 1 : 150 ukuran ruang tamu dan ruang keluaraga pada denah masing-masing 2cm x 3cm dan 4cm x 3cm. Hitunglah selisih luas ruang tamu dan ruang keluarga sebenarnya (dalam m2)!. Jika adi membeli kaca mata eharga 15% dari 1. 500. 000 berapakah adi haru mambayar jika ia membeli 4 buah kaca mata. Jika aya lahir tahun 1975 maka berapa umur aya di tahun 1999. Berikut ini adalah komponen komponen sosial yang ada di desa adalah Berdasarkan jenisnya, peta terbagi dua yaitu peta umum dan peta khusus atau tematik. Yang termasuk peta khusus atau tematik adalah peta Kantong yang berisi neurotransmitter disebut dengan Bagaimana sejarah dapat mengungkapkan kehidupan manusia di masa lampau Luas lingkaran yang panjang jari-jarinya 10 cm adalah. Macam macam serangan dengan tangan pada pencak silat. Luas permukaan tabung tanpa tutup yang panjang jari jarinya 14cm dan tinggi 10cm adalah. Aranana piwulang becik sing bisa kokjupuk saka crita " damar wulan "​. Lingkaran dengan diameter 28 dm berapa jarak yg di tempuh jika lingkaran tersebut berputar 3 kali putaran. Jika a dan B adalah akar akar peramaan 2x²6x-8=0 tentukan nilai dari aB÷aB. Jepang mulai menguaai wilayah indoneia etelah belanda menyerah di kalijati, ubang, jawa barat pada tanggal. Kata تَوَّابٌ رَحِيمٌ dalam potongan surat al-hujarat: 12 mengandung hukum bacaan… Sebutkan dan jelaskan langkah-langkah yang dilakukan oleh komputer saat pertama kali dinyalakan Jelaskan hubungan antara cms dengan website administrator Untuk berpindah-pindah dari satu sel ke sel yang lain dapat menggunakan tombol berikut ini kecuali Lapangan sepak bola lebar 3,5 panjang 5 dengan skala 1:2. 000 berapa luasnya.