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Sinonim melakukan pemesanan​


Jawaban 1


Sinonim / persamaan kata pesanan dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) adalah antaran, bestelan, kiriman, order, proyek, titipan.

Pertanyaan Terkait

Phonetic word program, great,place, maybe, plate



Program kata fonetik, bagus, tempat, mungkin, piring

itu jawabannya semoga membantu

jadikan jawabanku yang terbaik untukku

My father is thinking that i should stop smoking



my father is thinking that i should stop smoking

correction: my father thinks that i should stop smoking.

Rewrite the sentences both in the negative and interrogative forms My brother Alfred spoke Spanish at school.



Neg = My brother Alfred did not spoke Spanish at school.

INT = Did my brother Alfred spoke Spanish at school?

Mention two uncountable and two countable nouns​


Jawaban: uncountable : stars,hairs

countable : books,pencils

Penjelasan: uncountable : tdk bs dihitung (terlalu banyak)

countable ( bs dihitung)

Answer the question using “True/False”. If it is false, how should it be? Read some books to improve your skill is a must​



True or False:


We must read some books in order to improve our skills.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran True = Benar dan false = salah dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pernyataan pada soal adalah True (Benar) karena jika kita ingin meningkatkan keterampilan dan menambah wawasan kita, maka kita harus banyak membaca buku.

Semoga membantu ya.



True/False: Membaca beberapa buku untuk meningkatkan kemampuan adalah suatu keharusan.

False. Membaca beberapa buku untuk meningkatkan kemampuan adalah suatu pilihan, bukan suatu keharusan. Setiap orang memiliki hak untuk memutuskan apa yang ingin mereka lakukan dengan waktu dan kemampuan mereka sendiri. Namun, membaca buku dapat menjadi cara yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan wawasan, tergantung pada jenis buku yang dipilih.

A: ouch B: what happened?
A: I (cut)........... My finger
B: It (bleed)............!
A: I know
B: Put pressure on it. I (get)............ Some antibiotik and a bandage.
A: thanks



coba kirim foto nya kurang jelas

Seanu : I see you have a problem with your car Rudi : Yes, it won’t start when I start it.
Seanu : Do you want any help ?
Rudi : Yes if you don’t mind
Seanu : No, not at all. I’d be glad to give you a hand.
Rudi : Thanks. I appreciate it Answers these questions based on the dialogue above !
1) Who are they in the dialogue? ……………………………………………………………………………………..
2) What does Rudi do? ……………………………………………………………………………………….
3) What does Seanu say to help Rudi? ……………………………………………………………………………………….
4) What expression to respond to offering help? ……………………………………………………………………………………….
5) Yes, it won’t start when I start it. The word it refers to .................. ​



  1. They are Rudi and Seanu
  2. Try to start the car
  3. Do you want any help.
  4. By saying thanks
  5. The Car

Consider the nouns in each of the following sentences Jason enjoyed the movie about France.

a) Jason
b) Enjoyed
c) About France



c) About France


Dikarenakan nama dari sebuah kota merupakan salah satu contoh dari noun (kata benda). (Because the name of a city (France) is one of the examples of noun)

Contoh noun (kata benda) lainnya adalah benda fisik (house, pool, car, glass, cup, floor), city (kota), month (bulan), dan lain-lain.

Jason enjoyed the movie about France.

a) Jason
b) Enjoyed
c) About France



Saya tidak paham apa yang ditanyakan, tapi mungkin penjelasan ini membantu

a) Jason is a proper noun, referring to a specific person.

b) Enjoyed is a verb, indicating that Jason did something.

c) About France is an adjective phrase, providing more information about the movie that Jason enjoyed.

Selamat malam, kak mohon maaf ada yang bisa bantuin saya bikin cerita 10 lembar tentang persahabatan 3 pria, dengan menggunakan kosakata yang baik dan benar engga ya? Dan minta tolong tandai untuk kosakatanya, agar bisa saya pelajari kembali, terimakasih



Selamat malam, tentu saja bisa. Berikut adalah contoh cerita tentang persahabatan 3 pria yang ditandai dengan kosakata yang baik dan benar:

1. Suatu hari, tiga pria berteman baik, bernama John, David, dan Mark, bertemu di sebuah kafe. Mereka berbicara tentang kehidupan mereka dan bagaimana mereka bisa saling membantu satu sama lain.

2. John menceritakan tentang bagaimana ia menghadapi masalah di tempat kerjanya. David dan Mark mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian dan memberikan saran yang bijaksana.

3. David kemudian bercerita tentang bagaimana ia menghadapi masalah keuangan. John dan Mark menyarankan agar ia mencari pekerjaan sampingan untuk menambah penghasilannya.

4. Mark kemudian bercerita tentang bagaimana ia menghadapi masalah dalam hubungannya. John dan David memberikan dukungan dan saran yang bijaksana.

5. Mereka berbincang seharian dan menikmati waktu bersama. Mereka menyadari bahwa mereka memiliki persahabatan yang kuat dan saling membutuhkan.

6. Setiap minggu, mereka bertemu di kafe untuk berbagi cerita dan menyelesaikan masalah masing-masing. Mereka saling mendukung dan memberikan saran yang bijaksana.

7. Suatu hari, John mengalami masalah yang sangat serius. David dan Mark bergegas untuk membantunya. Mereka mengumpulkan uang untuk membayar biaya perawatan yang diperlukan.

8. John sangat berterima kasih kepada David dan Mark. Mereka menyadari bahwa persahabatan mereka adalah sesuatu yang berharga.

9. Bersama-sama, mereka menghabiskan waktu bersama dan menikmati kehidupan. Mereka saling menjaga dan membantu satu sama lain.

10. Mereka menyadari bahwa mereka memiliki persahabatan yang luar biasa. Mereka menyadari bahwa mereka saling membutuhkan dan saling mendukung. Persahabatan mereka menjadi semakin kuat setiap hari.

Find Noun Phrase (NP), Verb Phrase (VP), Adjective Phrase (AP), Adverb Phrase (Adv.P), and Prepositional Phrase (Prep.P) as many as you can in the following text: WHAT IS COMPUTER? The first computers were gigantic calculating machines and all they ever really did was “crunch numbers”: solve lengthy, difficult, or tedious mathematical problems. Today, computers work on a much wider variety of problems—but they are all still, essentially, calculations. Everything a computer does, from helping you to edit a photograph you’ve taken with a digital camera to displaying a web page, involves manipulating numbers in one way or another. Suppose you’re looking at a digital photo you just taken in a paint or photo-editing program and you decide you want a mirror image of it (in other words, flip it from left to right). You probably know that the photo is made up of millions of individual pixels (coloured squares) arranged in a grid pattern. The computer stores each pixel as a number, so taking a digital photo is really like an instant, orderly exercise in painting by numbers! To flip a digital photo, the computer simply reverses the sequence of numbers so they run from right to left instead of left to right. Or suppose you want to make the photograph brighter. All you have to do is slide the little “brightness” icon. The computer then works through all the pixels, increasing the brightness value for each one by, say, 10 percent to make the entire image brighter. So, once again, the problem boils down to numbers and calculations. What makes a computer different from a calculator is that it can work all by itself. You just give it your instructions (called a program) and off it goes, performing a long and complex series of operations all by itself. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, if you wanted a home computer to do almost anything at all, you had to write your own little program to do it. For example, before you could write a letter on a computer, you had to write a program that would read the letters you typed on the keyboard, store them in the memory, and display them on the screen. Writing the program usually took more time than doing whatever it was that you had originally wanted to do (writing the letter). Pretty soon, people started selling programs like word processors to save you the need to write programs yourself. Today, most computer users buy, download, or share programs like Microsoft Word and Excel. Hardly anyone writes programs any more. Most people see their computers as tools that help them do jobs, rather than complex electronic machines they have to pre-program—and that’s just as well, because most of us have better things to do than computer programming. Adapted with permission from © Chris Woodford 2007, 2011​


Noun Phrase (NP):






grid pattern

little "brightness" icon

brightness value

home computer





Microsoft Word


computer programming

Verb Phrase (VP):

crunch numbers


















Adjective Phrase (AP):










left to right

right to left





Adverb Phrase (Adv.P):



all by itself


pretty soon


Prepositional Phrase (Prep.P):

of problems

of numbers

in one way or another

in a paint or photo-editing program

up of millions of individual pixels

in a grid pattern

from left to right

of individual pixels

for each one

for almost anything

to read the letters

in the memory

on the screen

from writing programs

from computer programming

Bahasa Inggris nya, tapi yang gaul2 gitu. bantuin... gue boleh ga kalo masuk sirkel pertemanan lu



"can i join your friends group?"

"can i join yo group?"


menurut aku, kalau mau berteman labuh baik pakai yang pertama, kalau pakai yang ke dua akan ada beberapa orang menganggap kamu kece, tapi ada juga bbrp orang yang anggap kamu sok akrab atau aneh

'Where are Michael and Jane?" "They're watching/They watch TV in the living room.​



They're watching TV in the living room


Pertanyaannya pake are jdi jawabannya juga

Donna:''wow,the status is so wonderful Agnes:''yes,it id name statud
Donna:''it is merlion statud



its status not statud are you out of your mind

Personality Traits • What is personality trait?
• What are some examples of personality trait?
• Why is it important to know about our personality traits?
• Why is it important to know about other people’s personality traits?​



• Personality traits are characteristics that describe an individual's behavior, thoughts, and feelings. They are often used to describe how a person reacts to different situations and how they interact with others.

• Some examples of personality traits include honesty, kindness, compassion, intelligence, and extroversion.

• It is important to know about our own personality traits because they can help us understand our strengths, weaknesses, and how we are likely to react in different situations. This self-awareness can help us make better decisions and navigate relationships more effectively.

• It is also important to know about other people's personality traits because it can help us understand how they are likely to behave and interact with us. This can be especially useful in professional settings where it is important to work effectively with others. Understanding personality traits can also help us communicate more effectively and have more fulfilling personal relationships.

1.)if stefani meets her friends,she.....very happy
c.will be
d.would be
e.has been

2.)if my parents comes early, mathematic teacher
d.will meet
e.would meet

3.)if the students study the new material soon, do the examination able
b.are able able
d.will able
ehave been able

4.)my sister will visit you if she...your addreas
d.will remember
e.have remembered



1.c would be.

2.d Will meet

3.d Will able

4.c remembers


maaf kalo salah

Your brother ask you to accompany him to his friend's birthday party. You want to go, but you already have another appointment. D. Circle the Correct Quantifiers.
13. She has (a lot of / much) friends at School.
14. Can I speak to you for (a few / each) minutes ?
15. I Need ( some / several) money, Can you lend me a bit, please?​




Your Brother: Hi bro, I would like you to accompany me to my friend's birthday party?

You: Well, I would like to, but I already have another appointment. So, I'm afraid I can't accompany you to your friend's birthday party, sorry.

Your Brother: That is fine, maybe some other time, bro.

You: Yes, some other time. Thanks.

Your Brother: You're welcome.


13. She has a lot of friends at school.

14. Can I speak to you for a few minutes?

15. I need some money, can you lend me a bit, please?


jawaban berupa percakapan singkat dan bagian D. dicetak tebal.

Percakapan singkat:

Kakakmu: Hai kak, aku ingin dirimu menemaniku ke pesta ulang tahun temanku?

Anda: Yah, aku ingin, tapi aku sudah punya janji lain. Jadi, aku khawatir aku tidak bisa menemanimu ke pesta ulang tahun temanmu, maaf.

Kakakmu: Tidak apa-apa, mungkin lain kali, kak.

Kamu : Iya, lain kali. Terima kasih.

Saudaramu: Sama-sama.


13. a lot of karena kata benda friends termasuk Countable Nouns (kata benda yang bisa dihitung) jadi kita memakai "a lot of"

14. a few karena kata benda minutes termasuk Countable Nouns (kata benda yang bisa dihitung) jadi kita memakai "a few"

15. some karena kata benda money termasuk Uncountable Nouns (kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung) jadi kita memakai "some"

Semoga membantu ya.

Your brother ask you to accompany him to his friend's birthday party. You want to go, but you already have another appointment. D. Circle the Correct Quantifiers.
13. She has (a lot of / much) friends at School.
14. Can I speak to you for (a few / each) minutes ?
15. I Need (some / several) money, Can you lend me a bit, please? ​



13. She has (a lot of / much) friends at School.

=> She has a lot of friends at school.

"A lot of" digunakan untuk mengindikasikan bahwa subjek punya banyak teman, sedangkan "much" digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan uncountable noun.

14. Can I speak to you for (a few / each) minutes?

=> Can I speak to you for a few minutes?

"A few" digunakan untuk merujuk "sejumlah kecil", sedangkan "each" merujuk pada setiap anggota (masing-masing) dari suatu kumpulan.

15. I Need (some / several) money, Can you lend me a bit, please? ​

=> I Need some money, Can you lend me a bit, please? ​

"Some" di sini digunakan untuk merujuk pada sejumlah kecil uang yang tidak diketahui nilai pastinya namun bisa lebih dari beberapa (dalam kasus ini, lebih dari 10.000), sedangkan "several" lebih spesifik ke jumlah uang yang sangat kecil, di mana dalam kasus ini antara 1.000 sampai 9.000 (hanya beberapa). Namun, karena tidak ada teks lengkap, jadi dalam kalimat digunakan "some" karena tidak ada jumlah spesifik pastinya, berapa uang yang diperlukan.

Your brother ask you to accompany him to his friend's birthday party. You want to go, but you already have another appointment. D. Circle the Correct Quantifiers.
13. She has (a lot of / much) friends at School.
14. Can I speak to you for (a few / each) minutes ?
15. I Need (some / several) money, Can you lend me a bit, please?​



Your brother ask you to accompany him to his friend's birthday party. You want to go, but you already have another appointment.

13. She has a lot of friends at School.

14. Can I speak to you for a few minutes ?

15. I Need some money, Can you lend me a bit, please?


Cara mengubah kalimat active dibawah ini menjadi passive gimana yaa? Tolong bantuannya dong They introduced me to her husband.

Someone sold this old hat to my wife.

They are pushing the car.

Someone broke into my office.

They were talking about you.

You ought to clean the desk.

The headmaster will contact you.

Nobody has given out the news yet.

Didn’t she tell you the truth?

The thieves had stolen all the gold.

The students are using the computers right now.

They often mistreat the patients here.

Edison invented the gramophone.

Everybody admired your last book.

Someone is knocking at the door.

They might take the old man to the hospital.

They could have kicked her out of the restaurant.

We will have to give them more attention.

The cat ate the sandwich.

They told us that the water is clean.



1 Her husband was introduced to me.

2. This old hat is sold by someone to my wife.

3. The car is pushed by them .

4. My office is broken into by someone.

5. You were being talked to by them.

6. The desk is ought to cleaned by you.

7. You will be contacted by the headmaster.

8. The news is not yet given by someone .

9. The truth was not told by her?

10. The gold is stolen by the thieves.

11. Right now the computers are used by students.

12. Patients are often mistreated here.

13. Gramophone was invented by Edison.

14. The last book was admired by everyone

15. The door was knocked by someone.

16. The old man might be taken to hospital by them.

17. Out of the restaurant they could have kicked her.

18. We will give more attention to them.

19. Sandwich was eaten by the cat.

20. The water is clean they said

21. tomorrow’s game will be seen by millions of fans.

22. Leave the room they said.

Pertanyaan Lainnya
Bagaimana cara menambahkan teman Soal Texthome PKN 1. Jelaskan urgensi kehadiran agama dalam implementasi Pancasila dan UUD 45 2. Mengaapa bangsa Indonesia hari ini kehilangan identitasnya sebagai bangsa, bahkan ada yang merongrong Pancasila dan menganggap pancasila sebagai produk komunis 3. Mengapa benturan antar umat beragama sering terjadi di tanah air, bahka menuai konflik dan kekerasan atas nama agama, sementara pancasila telah sangat jelas mengatur tentang hak dan Kewajiban Warga negara. 4. Untuk menjaga keutuhan bangsa dan menghindari terjadinya disintegrasi bangsa, maka rakyat Indonesia harus taat azas dan bernaung dibawah nilai-nilai moral Pancasila dan agama. Kemukakan argumentasi anda tentang isu radikalisme, mengapa isu ini terjadi juga di kampus/dikalangan mahasiswa. Bagaimana anda menyikapinya​ Bantu jawab soal PLSV plss 1. y + 3 = 8 2. x - 5 = 9 3. 7 - m =5 4. 11 = 17 - n 5. m x m =81 Hasil dari 6,2 ton + 1,5 kuintal dikurangi 135 kg adalah​ Phonetic word program, great,place, maybe, plate SEberapa pentingkah Sikap seorang pemimpin dalam meningkatkan kinerja karyawan ? Jelaskan dengan contoh​ 1. 2 1/2 + 1/4 = tolooooooonggggg Q. Persamaan Lingkaran dengan pusat (-2,3) berjari-jari 5 adalah... ​ 1.) persamaan fungsi kuadrat yng menmpunyai titik pucak p(3,5) dan melalui titik A(4,7) adlh.. 2.) persamaan fungsi kuadrat yng melalui (3,0) dan (4,0) serta melalui titik A(2,8) adlh.. ​ Diketahui operasi hitung : -7+(-4)+14=n Gambarlah operasi hitung tersebut pada garis bilangan! Ibu membeli Tolong jawab​ Tentukan determinan martiks( 2 8 7 1 1 1 2 3 2) Nilar dari 3 log S4 + 3 log 18 - 3 log 12= ​ 10. Umur kakek 8 windu 4 tahun. Umur ayah 3 dasawarsa 2 windu. Selisih antara umur kakek dan ayah adalah .... A. 22 tahun B. 23 tahun C. 24 tahun D. 25 tahun plis​ Q. Suku ke-2 suatu barisan aritmatika adalah -1.Selisih suku ke-7 dan ke-3 barisan itu adalah 20.Jika suku terakhir barisan itu 39,maka banyaknya sukunya adalah... A 10 B 11 C 12 D 13 E 14​ Jelaskan keterbatasan dalam menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang berkualitas?​ My father is thinking that i should stop smoking correct? Q. Diketahui suku ke-7 suatu barisan aritmatika adalah 10 dan suku ke-13 adalah -2.Suku ke-20 barisan tersebut adalah... A -8 B -12 C -16 D -20 E -24 Selamat Menjawab​ Nilai-nilai prinsip nasionalisme dalam arti luas adalah.. Terimakasih telah membantu^^ 1. P1 : Jika hari ini langit mendung maka hari ini akan hujan P2 : Hari ini langit mendung Kesimpulan : ......... 2. P1 : Jika hari ini langit mendung maka hari ini akan hujan P2 : Hari ini tidak akan hujan Kesimpulan : ............ 3. P1 : Jika hari ini langit mendung maka hari ini akan hujan P2 : Jika hari ini akan hujan maka doni membawa paying Kesimpulan : ..............................