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Ringkas materi ini jadi 150 kata The latest report from Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK (2022) has been released, giving a striking insight into midwifery and maternity care in 2018—2020. The report's data show that compared to White women, Black women are almost four times as likely to die during pregnancy and Asian women are almost twice as likely to die. As well as ethnic inequalities, it is clear that other factors play a disproportionate role in maternity care. Those from deprived areas are more than twice as likely to die during pregnancy as those from wealthy areas, and experiencing mental health issues or domestic abuse also places women at a severe disadvantage. The year 2022 has held further insights into maternity care, with the final Ockenden (2022) report being published, and the Kirkup (2022) review of services in East Kent. Although I am shocked by the profound impact of inequalities in care in our maternity services, I am determined to end the year on as positive a note as possible. As I look back over this year's issues and published articles, I am proud that these concerns over inequality are not going unaddressed, at least for the authors of our articles. This year, the British Journal of Midwifery has published many studies highlighting inequalities in care and suggesting how they could be addressed. From a literature review examining factors that contribute to maternal health inequalities (Crowe, 2022) to an examination of gender inclusive language on maternity service websites (Jennings et al, 2022), inequalities and the minorities being affected are clearly a priority. Our articles have also explored how training can impact implicit bias in maternity care (Chubb et al, 2022) and how ethnicity can affect labour induction (Winter, 2022). Looking forward to 2023, it is my hope that we can continue to address these issues, and that the BJM can do its part to raise awareness, explore causes and establish solutions to disparities in maternity care. I know that this would not be possible without our wonderful community of authors, reviewers and readers. I would, as ever, encourage as many of you as possible to send in your research, especially that pertaining to inequalities in maternity care, so that we can contribute to improving services in 2023. ​


Jawaban 1


A new report in the UK has shown that Black women are almost four times more likely to die during pregnancy compared to White women, and Asian women are nearly twice as likely to die. Deprived areas also had higher rates of pregnancy mortality, as did those experiencing mental health issues or domestic abuse. The data comes from the "Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK" report for 2018-2020. The British Journal of Midwifery has published multiple articles on addressing inequalities in maternity care, including the impact of training on implicit bias and the effect of ethnicity on labor induction. It is hoped that by continuing to address these issues, maternity care can improve in the coming year.

Pertanyaan Terkait

Future continuous ubahlah menjadi positive , negative, introgative "will you be wake up"​



  1. Positive: "You will be waking up."
  2. Negative: "You will not be waking up."
  3. Interrogative: "Will you be waking up?"


Positive: You will be waking up.

Negative: You will not be sleeping.

Interrogative: Will you be waking up?

Kalimat positive, negatif, introgative future continuous "aida comes to scholl early"​



Positive: Aida comes to school early.

Negative: Aida does not come to school late.

Interrogative: Does Aida come to school early?

Future continuous: Aida will be coming to school early.

Ubahlah kalimat positive, negative. simple present. 1. Aida comes to scholl early
2. jaka doesn't play badminton
3. do we ride bicycle
4. will you be wake up​



1. Positive: Aida comes to school early.

    Negative: Aida does not come to school late.

    Simple present: Aida comes to school on time.

2. Positive: Jaka plays badminton.

    Negative: Jaka does not play badminton.

    Simple present: Jaka plays badminton regularly.

3. Positive: We ride a bicycle.

    Negative: We do not ride a bicycle.

    Simple present: We often ride a bicycle for exercise.

4. Positive: You will be awake.

    Negative: You will not be asleep.

    Simple present: You are usually awake at this time.

Ubahlah kalimat positive, negative,introgative, future continuous. 1. Aida comes to scholl early
2. jaka doesn't play badminton we ride bicycle

tolong banget ya kakk




+ Aida will coming to school early

- Aida will not coming to school early

? Will she coming to school early?


+ Jaka will doing play badminton

- Jaka will not doing play badminton

? Will he doing play badminton?


+ We will riding bicycle

- We will not riding bicycle

- Will we riding bicycle?


Rumus Future Continus Tense :

S + Will (to be) + Verb ing + O

Pada kalimat negatif ditambahkan dengan "not"

Pada kalimat interogative untuk (to be) berubah posisi menjadi di awal seperti Will + S + Verb ing + O?

This is... 'us birthday party ​


Jawaban: This is OUR birthday party


this is our birthday party


maaf kalo salah

I enclose my curriculum vitae.. the word enclose is in the closest meaning to


Jawaban: include or attach






Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Verbs (kata kerja) dalam Bahasa inggris.

Kata kerja "enclose" pada soal memiliki kesamaan makna dengan kata kerja "include" yang artinya termasuk

Konteks kalimatnya adalah surat lamaran pekerjaan termasuk daftar riwayat hidup (Curriculum Vitae)

Semoga membantu ya.

Bahasa Inggris nya "aku rindu kamu kakak kenisha" dan buat kata" untuk kakak tersayang... tolong d jawab ya..




I miss you, sister Kenisha

Dear Sister Kenisha,

How are you, sist? It's quiet here at home without you. How's life over there? It must be exciting, right sist? I wish I were there with you. When will you come home? We all miss you here. Please write us back as soon as possible. Take care.

Warm regards,



Jawaban dibuat dalqm bentuk surat pribadi dari seorang adik kepada kakaknya yg tengah menimba ilmu di perantauan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Isi surat kepada kakak tersayang:

Aku merindukanmu, kakak Kenisha

Kakak Kenisha yang terkasih,

Bagaimana kabarmu, kak? Di sini di rumah sepi tanpamu. Bagaimana kehidupan di sana? Pasti seru kan kak? Aku berharap aku ada di sana bersamamu. Kapan dirimu akan pulang? Kami semua merindukanmu di sini. Tolong balas kami sesegera mungkin. Hati hati di sana ya kak.

Salam hangat,


Semoga membantu ya.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form verb of verb parentheses! Jhon ( sail) …………… to America in 1498 My

father ( pass away, not) …………. Last year

He (live) …………… in Bima 5 years ago

I (lose) …….. my drawing book two days ago
She (be, not) ……….. listening to music

when her teacher ( enter) ….. her class

My brother (read) ……….the newspaper when he (be) ………waiting his friend

Anita (meet, not) ………… Jhon last week

The students (go) ……….. to zoo last week

Syam ( listen) ………. To English conversation audio this morning

When I lived in Singapore, I (work) …………. For Asus company ​



Jhon sailed to America in 1498.

My father passed away last year.

He lived in Bima 5 years ago.

I lost my drawing book two days ago.

She was not listening to music when her teacher entered her class.

My brother was reading the newspaper when he was waiting for his friend.

Anita did not meet Jhon last week.

The students went to the zoo last week.

Syam listened to an English conversation audio this morning.

When I lived in Singapore, I worked for Asus company

7 Crazy Children often have far more sense than their elders. This simple truth was demonstrated rather dramatically during a civil defence exercise in a small town in 5 Canada. Most of the inhabitants were asked to take part in the exercise during which they had to pretend that their city had been bombed. Air-raid warnings were sounded and thousands of people To went into special air-raid shelters. Doctors and nurses remained above ground while police patrolled the streets in case anyone tried to leave the shelters too soon.

Tolong carikan object, subject, adverb Dan yang lain nya dalam carita itu



Object: civil defence exercise, town, city, air-raid shelters, streets

Subject: inhabitants, doctors, nurses, police

Adverb: rather dramatically, most, thousands

Other: Canada, small, during which, pretend, air-raid warnings, sounded, above ground, too soon

The old woman didn't..... to mary lastnight a.speak b.speaks c.spoke d.has spoke


pembahasan :

The old woman didn't..... to mary lastnight.

setelah didn't / don't / doesn't ,

kata kerja bentuk 1. (tanpa s)

The old woman didn't speak to mary lastnight.

jawaban OPSI A

The dialogue below is for question no. 1. Lina: What happened, Siti? You couldn't get the right answer for the math test? Siti: I wish the teacher explained things more clearly. I'm always confused in this class. 1. From the text, we know that .... A. Siti is very good at Math. B. Lina couldn't answer the test either. C. The teacher didn't give clear explanation. D. Math is always a confusing subject. Read the following dialogue to answer question No. 2 Helen: I just can't tolerate her bad habit. Clara: Who are you talking about? Helen: My classmate. Clara: What's wrong with her? Helen: She litters garbage anywhere she wants. What a bad habit she has! Clara: Don't complain. You should talk to her. You ought to remind her again and again. Helen: Thanks for the advice. 2. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the dialogue? A. Clara tolerates littering habits. PR 1 habit​



2. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the dialogue?

A. Clara tolerates littering habits.

The statement "Clara tolerates littering habits" is NOT TRUE according to the dialogue. From the dialogue, it can be inferred that Clara advises Helen to talk to her classmate about her bad habit of littering and to remind her about it repeatedly. This suggests that Clara does not tolerate the littering habit.

Cari 10 sentences dalam teks dibawah ini The latest report from Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK (2022) has been released, giving a striking insight into midwifery and maternity care in 2018—2020. The report's data show that compared to White women, Black women are almost four times as likely to die during pregnancy and Asian women are almost twice as likely to die. As well as ethnic inequalities, it is clear that other factors play a disproportionate role in maternity care. Those from deprived areas are more than twice as likely to die during pregnancy as those from wealthy areas, and experiencing mental health issues or domestic abuse also places women at a severe disadvantage. The year 2022 has held further insights into maternity care, with the final Ockenden (2022) report being published, and the Kirkup (2022) review of services in East Kent. Although I am shocked by the profound impact of inequalities in care in our maternity services, I am determined to end the year on as positive a note as possible. As I look back over this year's issues and published articles, I am proud that these concerns over inequality are not going unaddressed, at least for the authors of our articles. This year, the British Journal of Midwifery has published many studies highlighting inequalities in care and suggesting how they could be addressed. From a literature review examining factors that contribute to maternal health inequalities (Crowe, 2022) to an examination of gender inclusive language on maternity service websites (Jennings et al, 2022), inequalities and the minorities being affected are clearly a priority. Our articles have also explored how training can impact implicit bias in maternity care (Chubb et al, 2022) and how ethnicity can affect labour induction (Winter, 2022). Looking forward to 2023, it is my hope that we can continue to address these issues, and that the BJM can do its part to raise awareness, explore causes and establish solutions to disparities in maternity care. I know that this would not be possible without our wonderful community of authors, reviewers and readers. I would, as ever, encourage as many of you as possible to send in your research, especially that pertaining to inequalities in maternity care, so that we can contribute to improving services in 2023. ​



  1. The latest report from Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK (2022) has been released.
  2. The report's data show that compared to White women, Black women are almost four times as likely to die during pregnancy and Asian women are almost twice as likely to die.
  3. Those from deprived areas are more than twice as likely to die during pregnancy as those from wealthy areas.
  4. Experiencing mental health issues or domestic abuse also places women at a severe disadvantage.
  5. The year 2022 has held further insights into maternity care, with the final Ockenden (2022) report being published, and the Kirkup (2022) review of services in East Kent.
  6. The British Journal of Midwifery has published many studies highlighting inequalities in care and suggesting how they could be addressed.
  7. Our articles have also explored how training can impact implicit bias in maternity care (Chubb et al, 2022) and how ethnicity can affect labour induction (Winter, 2022).
  8. It is my hope that we can continue to address these issues, and that the BJM can do its part to raise awareness, explore causes and establish solutions to disparities in maternity care.
  9. I would, as ever, encourage as many of you as possible to send in your research, especially that pertaining to inequalities in maternity care.
  10. I know that this would not be possible without our wonderful community of authors, reviewers and readers.

II. Write The Fact of These Conditional Sentences 41. Had you told me about the problem, I would have help you.
42. I would not have got wet yesterday if I had remembered to take umbrella with me yesterday.
43. If Ihad enough time, I would write to my parent.
44. Were I you, I would come to her party.
45. Were the weather very bad, we would take the train.



41. The fact of the conditional sentence is that you did not tell me about the  problem.

42. The fact of the conditional sentence is that I got wet yesterday because I forgot to bring an umbrella with me.

43. The fact of the conditional sentence is that I do not have enough time to write to my parents.

44. The fact of the conditional sentence is that you are not coming to her party.

45. The fact of the conditional sentence is that the weather is not very bad.

It ______________ this winter. The weather is hotter than last year




It is warmer this winter. The weather is hotter than last year.

Fill in the blank with correct pronoun a. Della teacher has IS my b. Mr. Edward always helps me. A: where is 1 с " my key ? I don't know. I haven't you d. 1 really like e. B : bella is - is good, too. - good husband AS good man before a seen always help me my friend. She is good. - mother BANTU DI JAWAB YA BG/KAK​


a. Della is my teacher.

b. Mr. Edward always helps me.

c. "Where is my key? I don't know. I haven't seen it."

d. I really like Bella. She is a good friend.

e. "Bella's husband is always a good man. He helps me before."

Three of my classmates always ………everyday. A. comes late B. come lates C. comes lates D. come late E. coming late​



D. come late


Karena kalo comes late itu untuk satu orang, tapi kalo tiga orang come late.

Semangat kk, semoga membantu

Mana diantara kedua kalimat tanya dan jawabannya ini yang benar? berdasarkan kalimat positif ini (+) Susanto Will attend in the meeting tomorrow

what will Susanto attend tomorrow?
the meeting

where Will Susanto attend tomorrow?
in the meeting​


Jawaban Yang Benar:

Where will Susanto attend tomorrow?

In the meeting.


In the meeting = meetingnya sudah diselenggarakan ; didalam meeting

(Berdasarkan kalimat positif)

Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ini menjadi kalimat pasif 1. Caroline pushed the door. (caroline mendorong pintu)
2. Pratiwi dilivers the mail. (pratiwi mengirimkan surat)
3. Roby tells me that you are thinking of leaving. (roby memberitahu saya bahwa anda berpikir untuk pergi)
4. Widianti gave us that flower. (widianti memberi kami bunga itu)
5. Afif senta telegram to his wife. (afif mengirimkan telegram ke istrinya)​



  1. the door was being pushed by Caroline
  2. the mail is being delivered by Pratiwi
  3. I am being told by Roby that you are thinking of leaving
  4. That flower was given to us by Widiyanti
  5. His wife is being sent a telegram by afif


object become subject

object + tobe + being + v3 + by + subject

A. Supply PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE in the blanks: 1. He ......................(teach) his son to ride a bike.
2. A: Why …………….. Ann................(wear) her new dress?
B: Because she .................(have) a party tonight.
3. Cindy usually does the shopping, but I..................(do) it today because she is ill.
4. She ………………………….. (not / work), she(swim) in the river.
5. A: ……………………. Tom...............(clean) his shoes now?
B: No, he …………………… . He..........................(tidy) his room.
A: Where is his brother?
B: He is in the garden, he ...................(water) the flowers


Answer :

1. Teaches

2. A : Wears

B : Has

3. Do

4. Does not , Swims

5. A : Does , Clean

B : Does not , make tidy

6. Waters

Sorry if it wrong

She............nurse at Hosfital last year.



was a


she was a nurse at hospital last year




karena penggunaanya hanya digunakan di presen tense dalam bentuk nominal(kata sifat ,kata benda)

Pertanyaan Lainnya
Apakah cakupan pembangunan nasional dengan wawasan Nusantara?​ PT. ASA membuat catatan sebagai berikut: Rp 9.000.000,00 persediaan awal pembelian persediaan akhir Rp 15.000.000,00 Rp 8.000.000,00 Berapa harga pokok penjualan PT. ASA? A. Rp16.000.000,00 B. Rp17.000.000,00 C. Rp23.000.000,00 D. Rp24.000.000.00 Hail dari 5/6 × 4/10 dalam bentuk pecahan biaa paling ederhana adalah. Hail dari 15%8,4-2 3/4=b. Jika b adalah bilangan deimal maka nilai b adalah. Hail dari 1/52/3-1/2 =. Bererta caranya ya kak. Lembaga-lembaga bentukan jepang digunakan oleh pemimpin indonesia untuk mempersiapkan kemerdekaan dengan cara . . Bidang kimia yang berperan dalam pembuatan pupuk dan pestisida adalah…. pada dasarnya pkn menuntut terwujudkannya pengalaman belajar yang bersifat utuh memuat belajar kognitif,belajar nilai dan sikap,dan belajar perilaku.oleh karna itu,pkn Berat benda di udara 40N dan ketika di dalam air 36N gaya apung benda oleh air sebesar perbandingan kelereng damar dan erika yaitu 3:5 jika selisih kelereng mereka adalah 12 maka kelereng damar adalah​ 1 CO 3 1. Tentukan gagasan pokok pada masing-masing gambar di atas! 2. Gagasan Pokok Gagasan Pendukung Buatlah beberapa kalimat agar menjadi paragraf yang padu berdasa gagasan pendukung yang sudah ada! 3. Susunlah kalimat berikut agar menjadi paragraf yang padu! : Berkunjung ke taman bunga : Kami melihat berbagai jenis bunga di sumber penghidupan mereka​ Filsafat seperti apa yang di sebarkan Aristoteles pada masa Islam 3. Bentuk sederhana dari 27p²q³ adalah.... 3p5q ​ Masyarakat yang menjemukan rawan konflik karena Pada tanggal 7 Maret 2020, PT Alpindo membeli obligasi di Bank Mandiri atas PT Aldo 100 lembar masing-masing nominal Rp 1.000.000,00 dan bunga 18%. Jatuh tempo bunga (kupon) setiap tanggal 1/3 dan 1/9. Pajak bunga obligasi 15% disetorkan setiap tanggal 10 bulan berikutnya. Bank menghitung bunga obligasi PT Alpindo tanggal 1 September 2019. Berdasarkan data di atas, diminta: a. Menghitung bunga obligasi PT Alpindo b. Menghitung pajak penghasilan PT Alpindo​ Nilai balik minimum dari fungsi f(x) = x² - 6x² + 8 adalah....​ Gunung yang melantarbelakangi ibu kota jepang adalah gunung. Gerak daar yang dilakukan oleh pemain dengan gaya membcok di ebut. Sebuah kawat lurus panjang yang dialiri arus listrik sebesar 20 a dari arah barat ke timur. besar dan arah induksi magnetik di titik p yang berada tepat di bawah kawat tersebut pada jarak 10 cm adalah Perubahan mode pakaian dikategorikan sebagai perubahan yang pengaruhnya kecil dengan ruang lingkup yang tidak luas karena A.hanya berhubungan dengan kebutuhan sekunder B.hanya diikuti ole golongan tertentu C.tidak ada hubungan dengan bidang kebudayaan D.tidak bertentangan dengan keyakinan masyarakat