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On Wednesday, my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from Malioboro.
On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples; the Brahmana, Syiwa
and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because
Wisnu temple was being renovated.
On Friday morning, we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky
because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We
arrived there at 5 p.m. We heard the announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.
In the evening, we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.
1. What is the text mainly discussed about?
2. What kinds of the text is above?
3. What is the purpose of the text?



Jawaban 1


1. Going to Yogya

2. Recount text

3. To tell writer's experience in Yogyakarta


Pertanyaan Terkait

What was the policeman suggest to the man? To take the penguin to the zoo
To take the penguin to the sea
To bring the penguin home
To sell the penguin
To give the penguin to the policeman​



To take the penguin to the Zoo


maaf kalau salah ya!

Task.1 Whales are sea-living mammals. They therefore breathe air but cannot survive or
land. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 meter
length, is the largest animal which lives on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather like
a fish, but there are important difference in its external structure; its tail consists of a pair
of broad, flat horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on
top of its breadth, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of
flat (blubber). This is up to 30 meter in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body

What is the text about?

A. sea-living mammals

B. the description of mammals

C. the difference between whales and fish

D. whales

E. how whales survive themselves​



how whales survive themselves 30 meter

Harry: "Would you like to g camping with us next?"
Donny: "........... , but I have to take
care my mom. She has been
hospitalized for week."
O I don't care about it
O It sounds interesting.
O Don't mention it
O Thank you.
O I am sorry to hear that​


Jawaban:Anis = " It sounds interesting, but i have to take...



24. Active: The children ate pizzas together. The passive will be . . . * a. Pizzas are eaten by the children together
b. Pizzas was eaten by the children together
c. Pizzas were eaten by the children together
d. Pizzas eaten by the children together



C. Pizzas were eaten by the children together.


Past tense

Secretary : Hello. This is BUMIDAYA bank. Good Morning. Mr. Sutisna: Good morning, Sutisna’s speaking. I’d like to make an appointment to see the manager tomorrow at ten o’clock.
Secretary : I’m sorry, Sir. But this time is tied up this week. What about Monday of next week?
Mr. Sutisna: I see. What date is the next Monday?
Secretary : it’s the seventeenth, Sir.
Mr. Sutisna: Can’t I see him on Saturday the fifteenth.
Secretary : He’ll have meeting on Saturday, sir. But, if there is a cancellation of his previous appointment, you may be able to see him sooner. So, would you mind giving your name and telephone number? We’ll call you if there’s a cancellation of his programme.
Mr. Sutisna: Yes. My name’s Sutisna. And my telephone number is 085272164483.
Secretary : Thank you, sir. But, may we know what the nature of your business?
Mr. Sutisna: Well. I’d like to ask for a loan.
Secretary : Thank you, sir. Well, then! So your appointment will be on Monday the seventeenth at 10 o’clock, sir. But if there’s any cancellation of his schedule, we will call you, sir.
Mr. Sutisna: Alright. Thank you very much. Good bye.
Secretary : Good bye, sir. Thanks for calling

Where does the dialogue take place? *

in the bank

on the way

at school

in the supermarket

an the hotel​



in the bank


sorry Kalo Salah have a great day

Ina : “Happy Birthday, Susi.” Susi
: "Thanks.” Ina: "It's a gift for
you." Susi :...


Susi : " Thank you so much "

4. ... (memakai) gaun *
O A. Put away the dress
O B. Put on the dress
O C. Hang up the dress​



wearing a dress


maaf kalo salah

What is the purpose of the text?
A. To entertain the readers​



kasih soalnya yg komplit

I and mau friends... in library​





I and Mau's friends are in the library

When I was young I.......
to be an artist​


When I was young I"want"

to be an artist​


When I was young I wanted to be an artist​


Jawaban yang benar adalah memakai kata kerja ke-2 (wanted) karena kalimat menggunakan bentuk Simple Past Tense yang menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan di masa lampau (when I was young).

Simple Past Tense:

(+) Subject + Verb-2 + Object

Semoga membantu ya.

Apa fungsi sosial teks eksplanasi​



Teks eksplanasi adalah teks yang memiliki fungsi sosial menjelaskan atau menganalisis proses muncul atau terjadinya sesuatu. Teks eksplanasi berisi tentang hubungan logis dari peristiwa yang terjadi atau timbul karena adanya peristiwa yang terjadi sebelumnya.


Fungsi teks eksplanasi sendiri yaitu memberi info dalam bentuk penjelasan tentang kejadian yang terjadi di sekitar kita tanpa adanya rekayasa,maksudnya tanpa rekayasa itu informasi ini berarti fakta,serta tujuannya juga agar rakyat itu tau tentang informasi ataupun berita yang sedang terjadi.


semoga membantu ya

The following text is for number 1-3.
I have a little sister. Her name is Salsa. She is only a year old. She is cute. Salsa
like a boy because her hair is very short. She can walk, but she can't speak. She likes
walking around the house.
Salsa likes to play a ball. Mother gave her a ball yesterday. The ball is soft. Salsa
likes to kick the ball. I love my sister very much. She has the best smile in the world.
Who is Salsa?
A. The writer's baby.
B. The writer's little brother.
C. The writer's little sister.
D. The writer's little boy.
How is salsa's hair?
C. Long.
A. Short.
D. Black.
B. Thick.
The writer likes ... very much.
A. walking around the house
B. to play the ball
C. Salsa's smile
D. speaking

Mohon bantuannya





Semoga membantu:)

Where did the man find the penguin? At the station
In the zoo
In the park
In the sea
In the movie​



in the zoo


dimana pria itu menemukan pinguin?

di kebun binatang

Salah satu contoh semangat dan komitmen kebangsaan kita adalah


Jawaban:semangat untukmempertahankan indonesia dari penjajah dan mengembalikan kejayaan indonesia seperti dulu

Penjelasan: karna negara indonesia adalah negara yang kuat akan kesatuan dan persatuannya denagn itu kita bisa merebut kembali indonesia dari tangan penjajah

Text for number 1 to 4 Once upon a time, there lived a couple in a village. They hadn't bad a child. Every day they
prayed to God to have a child.
One day, the father looked for fish at the beach. When he returned home, he stumbled upon a
piece of bamboo. He brought it home and placed it in his house. In the following morning, the couple
heard a blast from the bamboo. They saw a baby near the bamboo. They were very happy and raised
the baby. The baby grew up as a girl
. She learned archery and was good at it.
The girl heard that the nearest village was attacked by a giant bird. It destroyed several houses in
the village. She wanted to help people. She asked her parents' permission, "Mom, Dad, may I help the
people who are attacked by the giant bird?" the father replied, "Sure, dear, but you have to be
careful." The mother felt worried, but she permitted her to go.
The next morning, she visited the village and met the village chief. She said that she would help
people defeat the giant bird. The village chief agreed. The bird flew to the village and the girl was reudy
with her arrow. However, she saw the bird crying. Then, she placed her arrow on the land and asked
the bird to land. The bird landed and she saw a sharp bamboo attached on its leg. She pulled it up and
healed its wound with leaves herbs.
Since then, the girl and the bird became friends. The bird also visited the village to play with the
children. The place where they played became creeks.
What is the main conflict of the story?
A. The bamboo exploded
B. A giant bird attacked the village ....
C. The couple had not had a child
D. The couple found a baby near the bamboo​


What is the main conflict of the story?

B. A giant bird attacked the village

12 The letter tellus about A Fico's holidayin Bali
B Fina's letter
C Fico's experience
D. Fico's favorite places
E Fina's plan to Bali​



mungkin e


 My colour Artinya....​


Jawaban:my colour=warna saya


Our neighbor is going to buy a gun …. she can protect herself from intruders who break into her apartment.​




Albert Einstein is one of the most notable and influented scientists of the 21th century. Although he became known as a genius of science and gained considerable fame later in life, as a child he was slow in

learning to speak, and had a rebellious nature towards the conventional styles of learning at school, which left

many teachers to believe he would amount to little.

Inspired by a compass, his “sacred little geometry book”, and classical music, his interest in science and

mathematics grew and by the age of 16 he was writing his first research science paper, and attempting to skip

the last few years of high school to enter the Swiss Institute of Technology. He failed the entrance exam but set

a precedent in his life for thinking outside of the box and challenging the rules.

His most famous discovery is the theory of relativity, E = MC2

, which overturned Isaac Newton’s laws

by explaining the relation of energy and mass as a consequences of space and time. First introduced in a 3-page

paper in 1905, the theory was so revolutionary it couldn’t be proven until more advanced technology was

available years later.

Albert Einstein is not only a world-renowned scientists who left an indelible mark on the world but also

an icon of popular culture whose name and image have come to represent genius and intellect.

31. Who was Albert Einstein?

A. A wealthy man

D. A technician

B. A teacher

E. A doctor

C. A scientist

32. What is his most famous discovery?

A. Science paper

D. The theory of relativity

B. Geometry book

E. Entrance exam

C. Classical music

33. In what age was Albert Einstein writing his first research science paper?

A. 16

D. 19

B. 17

E. 20

C. 18

34. “... as a child he was slow in learning to speak, ...” What is the antonym of underlined word?

A. Smart

D. Introduce

B. Fast

E. Clean

C. Famous

35. When did the theory of relativity (E=MC2

) first introduced in?

A. Years later

D. 1950

B. 21th century

E. 1905

kaaaakk tolong dibantuuuu T_T​


31. C. A Scientist

32. D. The theory of relativity

33. A. 16

34. B. Fast

35. E. 1905

2. Ami: "May I see your dress?" Icha : "Of course, here it is."
Ami : "What a nice dress."
Icha :"
a. thanks
b. I'm sorry
C. congratulations
d. not at all
e. nevermind​




Maaf kalo salah yah

Pertanyaan Lainnya
Tarian sumatra barat​ Kata-kata yang penting dan sering muncul di dalam sebuah teks disebut ... A kata-kata kunci C kata-kata baku B. kata-kata penting D, kata-kata tidak baku​ Mengapa organisasi internasional di kategorikan sebagai subjek hubungan internasional 10. Tindakan masa kini yang tidak sesuai dengan gagasan Wahidin Sudirohusodo tentang pendidikan adalah..... A. Bagi gina pendidikan akan membantunya keluar dari kemiskinan sehingga ia belajar dengan serius B. Indah ingin sekolah yang tinggi agar menjadi seorang karyawan di perusahaan terkenal C. Diana merasa sangat bersedih ketika melihat teman yang putus sekolah karena tiada biaya D. Ter senantiasa membantu temannya yang kesulitan belajar 8. Politik Balas Budi atau Politik Etis "Etische Politic" yang dijalankan oleh pemerintah penjajahan Belanda memiliki tujuan yang terselubung yang sebenarnya ditujukan untuk .... A. kepentingan rakyat Indonesia B. kepentingan pemerintah Belanda C. kepentingan kemajuan bangsa Indonesia D. mempererat hubungan Indonesia​ Vio 29. Rina mempunyai kotak pensil berbentuk balok dengan panjang 15 cm, lebar 8 cm, dan tinggi 4 cm. Volume kotak pensil Rina adalah ... ! = 09:29​ Sikap lilin tergolong gerakan senam lantai yang bertujuan untuk melatih​ Contoh penggunaan partisipan dalam teks prosedur​ Hasil dari 15 ^ 3 adalah​ mapel:matematika C. 4/9 12. Gambar di samping jika di bentuk lambang pecahan a. 2/3 - 1/3 = 173 b. 3/2 2/2 = 1/2 © 3/5 - 2/5 = 175 13. Pola garis yang biasa digunakan pada motif gambar dekoratif yaitu .... a. Vertikal, horizontal, melengkung​ 21. Sultan Salahuddin membangkitkan kembali roh jihad / semangat dikalangan ummat Islam yang saat itu telah tidur nyenyak dan telah lupa akan tongkat estafet yang telah diwariskan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW. Melalui media peringatan ia membeberkan sikap kesatria dan kepahlawanan pantang menyerah yang ditunjukkan Nabi melalui“ Sirotun Nabawiyah “ hingga kini peringatan itu menjadi tradisi dan membudaya dikalangan ummat Islam. Di Indonesia perayaan tersebut dikenal dengan istilah .... *​ What do you think about the doktor? b:... i d love it.​ Organisasi budi utomo merupakan organisasi modern yang dipengaruhi oleh politik wtis. sifat dari organisasi ini adalah a. Sosial, ekonomi dan budaya b. Radikalisme c. Adat dan suku bangsa d. Sosial dan pendidikan​ 13. Apakah tujuan diadakan pemanasan sebelum melakukan senam irama? 14. Sebutkan 3 gerakan langkah pada senam! 15. Apakah fungsi irama music pada senam irama? 16. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan perkembangan dan pertumbuhan seseorang!​ Fungsi peta konsep untuk buku fiksi dan nonfiksi​ Sebuah aquarium berbentuk balok. Ukuran bagian dalamnya, panjang 100 cm, lebar 60 cm dan tinggi 50 cm. Apabila aquarium tersebut diisi air sebanyak 240 dm3, maka tinggi air dalam aquarium tersebut adalah ... cm Salah satu amalan ketika bulan Ramadan adalah membaca Alquran berapa jumlah surah dalam Alquran​ Seorang praktikan sedang melakukan percobaan pelayangan bunyi. Ia menggetarkan garputala berfrekuensi 340 Hz kemudian meletakkannya dimeja. Jika temannya menggetarkan garputala lain dengan frekuensi 345 Hz sembari berjalan namun tidak terdengar pelayangan bunyi olehnya, maka kecepatan dan arah gerak temannya adalah ... (v = 340 m/s) bismillah dijawab ya manteman​ Ayat berikut merupakan larangan .... لا تيأسوا من رحمة الله menghambur-hamburkan harta O O O O berputus asa dari Rahmat Allah SWT menyekutukan Allah SWT Obertawakal kepada Allah SWT​ What was the policeman suggest to the man? To take the penguin to the zoo To take the penguin to the sea To bring the penguin home To sell the penguin To give the penguin to the policeman​