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My brother has a pet. It ……… a cute cat​


Jawaban 1




Maaf kalo salah

Pertanyaan Terkait

I’m sure I .... him two years ago
Have seen
am seeing​



I’m sure I .... him two years ago

A . See

B . Saw

C . Have seen

D . am seeing


Jawaban yang benar dicetak tebal dan menggunakan bentuk Simple Past Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan di masa lampau (two years ago).

Simple Past Tense:

(+) Subject + Verb-2 + Object + Time Signal (two years ago)

Semoga membantu ya.


B. Saw


Maaf kalo salah, kalo benar jadikan jawaban terbaik

25. Andi : Do you know Aditya? Rio : Yes, I know him. He likes to make friends.
Based on the dialogue, we can conclude that Aditya is ....
A. studious
C. stingy
B. friendly
D. spooky​



B. friendly


Friendly = Ramah

Semoga membantu

Have you finished on the computer...............?



no,because i never play the computer.


my mom will angry to me

Read the text to answer questions 12-15 One day, I had to teach a new English class. I read the list of new student's names. It was
kiddies' group since they were about 9 and 10 years old.
That was the first day of The Spanish carnival, so I wanted to wear the most appropriate
suit for the children's class. Most kids usually dress up at carnival I thought. It would be more
interesting if their teacher was also in carnival spirit. That was why I decided to wear my teddy
bear suit and bring cuddly toys in my box.
And that was what I did. I walked through the door happily. The director watched me
completely astonished. I smiled and looked straight at her. With a man beside her, she said,
"good afternoon. I'd like to introduce you to mr. Mendez, the director of Delta Company He is
one of the participants of English course that will teach today."
Oh my God! I nearly died! The secretary apologized to me for wrong details of my new
12. Who is the main character in the story....
A. The writer
B. The director
C. Mr. Mendez
D. The secretary
13. What does the writer do
A. He works at Delta company
B. He is a teacher
C. He is a clown
D. He is the Delta Company director
14. so I wanted to wear the most appropriate suit for..." (second paragraph)
The underlined word means....
A weird
B. odd
C. small
D. proper
15. "It would be more interesting if their teacher was also in carnival spirit." (second paragraph)
The underlined word refers to
A. The kids
B. The teachers
C. The directors
D. The participants​



12. Who is the main character in the story....

A. The writer

B. The director

C. Mr. Mendez

D. The secretary

13. What does the writer do

A. He works at Delta company

B. He is a teacher

C. He is a clown

D. He is the Delta Company director

14. so I wanted to wear the most appropriate suit for..." (second paragraph)

The underlined word means....

A weird

B. odd

C. small

D. proper

15. "It would be more interesting if their teacher was also in carnival spirit." (second paragraph)

The underlined word refers to

A. The kids

B. The teachers

C. The directors

D. The participants​

5. Why does he like to be in the attic?​



c.because there is a lovely garden

maaf kalo salah

Apa bahasa Inggrisnya ayam​





Kalo ayamnya lebih dari 1 chiken's

Maaf kalau salah

Our shoolyard is very large. We can play . . . . . . here​



Our school yard is very large. We can play soccer/football here​

Halaman sekolah kita sangat besar. Kita bisa main sepak bola di sini.

semoga membantu!

When did the writer practice football? Football and
When I was in Junior High School, I really loved footbal. Every Saturday atemoon we would
practice at the school field with our team and coach. They are very strong and smart players.
Our coach. Mr Sentana was a very kind person. However, when we were practicing football
he was very disciplined and tough He did not tolerate and became angry with anyone who
came late and did not follow the rule. Under his coaching, our team won many tournaments
and we had many fans too.
Now I still play football and in a team too but my parents warn me to pay more attention to my
O a. Everyday
O b. Every afternoon
O c, Every Sunday afternoon
O d. Every Saturday afternoon​



D. Every Saturday afternoon


Ada di paragraf pertama

23. Ruri : what did you do yesterday? Eni
A. Swimming in the pool
B. Swims in the pool
C. Swam in the pool
D. Swum in the pool​



C. Swam in the pool


karena kegiatan yang dilakukan nya kemarin sudah berlalu jadi kata kerja yang tepat adalah verb 2

Sebutkan 4 sifat orang yg beruntung​
ini agama ya



As-siddiq – Benar. Ad. As-siddiq berarti membawa kebenaran, selalu benar, atau jujur.

Amanah – Dapat dipercaya. Amanah berarti dapat dipercaya.

Tabligh – Menyampaikan wahyu. Tabligh berarti menyampaikan wahyu.

Fatanah – Cerdas.

4. 4.
What does the text tell about?
A. Angel's hamster.
B. Cute hamster.
C. Smart hamster.
D. Happy hamster.​



A. Angel ' s hamster


semoga jawabanya betul terimakasih

Abdullah is my father he is a good person and loves his family he is never angry with us and my mother he talks to us about many things he and my mother often go out together to enjoy the evening he is friendly to the neighbors​





uyuguhigufyyyuuhihugjbnbkf gigkgkgjc AU AU AU au

"It is very comfortable and cozy." (last paragraph) What does the underlined word mean?
A. Feeling interested in something.
B. Making somebody feel relaxed
C. Making somebody feel sad.
D. Not knowing what to do​


jawaban nya:B


maaf kalau salah

Whiters laptop artinya ​


Jawaban: whiters artinya lebih putih maaf kalo salah semoga membantu

1. Where does Sophia have lunch? A. At home.
B. In the living room.
C. In the dinning room.
D. In the school canteen.





semoga bermanfaat

33. Complete the following text with the appropriate words!
My Rabbit
I have a rabbit. My mother gave it to me for my birthday
gift. His fur is white and has black spots. He (a) ... long
ears and a short tail. He also has cute red big eyes! My
rabbit likes to eat carrot and other vegetables. When I
release my rabbit out of his cage, he used to jump
everywhere and hard to catch. So, I could just (b) ... him
on his cage because I'm afraid that he might running
away. I don't wanna lost my rabbit because I love him
very much.​



( a ) Telinga nya

( b ) mengurungnya

jangan lupa follow yah makasih


Lengkapi teks berikut dengan

kata-kata yang sesuai!

Kelinci saya

Saya punya kelinci. Ibu saya memberikannya kepada saya untuk ulang tahun saya

hadiah. Bulunya berwarna putih dan memiliki bintik-bintik hitam. Dia (a) ... panjang

telinga dan ekor pendek. Dia juga memiliki mata merah besar yang lucu! Saya

kelinci suka makan wortel dan sayuran lainnya. Ketika saya

lepaskan kelinci saya dari kandangnya, dia biasa melompat

kemana-mana dan sulit ditangkap. Jadi, saya hanya bisa (b) ... dia

di kandangnya karena aku takut dia lari

jauh. Aku tidak ingin kehilangan kelinciku karena aku mencintainya

sangat banyak

Rani : “Do you have a pet at home?”Fitri : “Sure, I have a cat at home. It is a lazy cat but I love it so much.What habit is suitable to Fitri’s cat​



  1. I'M Bunga
  2. I'M SORRY

I have a favorite teacher in my school. He is Mr. Deni. He is my English teacher. He is 30 years old. He is tall and handsome. He has round eyes, a pointed nose, and thick lips. He has straight hair that always looks neat. He is the strict and discipline person. He also has long mustache and beard fairly dense. His skin is brown. He is very diligent. He is also smart and honest.  He loves music very much. He is very good at playing a guitar. He is a good person and we love him very much. How does he look like?​



He has round eyes, a pointed nose, and thick lips.

Penjelasan: semoga membantu^•^

My Class ….. dark, I will open the window​



My Class Is dark, I will open the window


Is dark


Maaf kalo salah, kalo benar jadikan jawaban terbaik

Andi : Do you know Aditya?
: Yes, I know him. He likes to make friends.
Based on the dialogue, we can conclude that Aditya is ....
O spooky
Albero do the birds liv? *​





Friendly : Ramah

Semoga membantu

Pertanyaan Lainnya
Apa yang di maksud sistem ekonomi​ Salah satu hal ingin di hapus melalui kebaktian nasional adalah kebohongan hal ini sudah terdapat konsitusi negara Indonesia terutama alenia pembukaan UUD NKRI tahun 1945 Berikut adalah sebagian dari teks petunjuk cara menanak nasi dengan menggunakan rice cooker, kecuali.... * a. Cuci beras menggukan air. Gunakan wadah lain untuk mencuci beras dan tidak menggunakan panci pada rice cooker. b. Cuci panci rice cooker sampai bersih, lalu masukkan beras dan air sesuai dengan takaran yang tertera pada bagian lain. c. Masukkan panci ke dalam body rice cooker lalu tutup dengan top cover sampai clamb knob berbunyi ”klik”. d. Kemudian sambungkan colokan ke stopkontak, lalu tekan tombol atau lever knob ke arah atas sampai lampu penanda cook mode. 6. Kutipan surat tersebut merupakan unsur bagian a. salam pembuka b. isi c. salam penutup . d. lampiran​ Kain yang memiliki sifat bahan kurang menyerap air, mudah berubah warna, dan mudah kusut​ Dalammelakukan start lari jarak pendek seorang peserta harus memulailarisetelahwasitmengeluarkan aba-aba…. * 1​ Amatilah gambar di samping ini! 1. Pada gambar merupakan perilaku yang sesuai dengan A. sila ke-1 Pancasila B. sila ke-2 Pancasila C. sila ke-3 Pancasila mon oila ke 3 Pancasila yaitu​ Tuliskan tiga contoh karya seni tiga dimensi​ 6. Yang termasuk sunnah khutbah Jum'at yaitu ...​ 1.Puisi merupakan karya sastra yang disajikan dalam bentuk ............​ Diantara fungsi dan tugas para Rasul adalah menyampaikan kabar gembira tentang amalan baik yang berujung Surga dan memberi peringatan tentang adanya neraka bagi mereka yang menentang perintah dan melanggar larangan. Dari pernyataan tersebut, maka salah satu hikmah beriman kepada Rasul Allah SWT adalah A meneladani sifat-sifat mulia para Nabi dan rasul B. meningkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan C taat dan patuh kepada perintah Allah dan menjauhi laranganNya D. mengetahui sejarah kehancuran umat-umat terdahulu​ Paham mencintai bangsa dan negara sendiri dan menghargai bangsa lain disebut​ 4. Tempurung kelapa termasuk contoh jenis limbah keras .... c. Primer a. Organic b. anorganik d. basah organic atau anorganic??​ Salah satu aktivitas gerakan berirama adalah​ Setelah berdiri selama 197 tahun, VOC pada tahun 1799 dibubarkan. Faktor penyebab dibubarkannya VOC adalah ...​ 33. Perhatikan tokoh-tokoh berikut! 1) N Krom 2) CC Berg 3) JL Moens 4) Van Leur 5) FDK Bosch Tokoh yang mendukung teori ksatria terkait masuknya pengaruh Hindu Budha ditunjukkan nomor... A 1) dan 2) B. 2) dan 3 C.3) dan 4) D. 4) dan 5)​ Andi adalah seorang pelajar berusia 18 tahun yang mengalami kecelakaan parah Sehingga dalam proses penyembuhannya ia diharuskan minum obat setiap 4 jam sekali ketika bulan Ramadan ia tidak menjalankan puasa karena... A. mengalami kecelakaan B. kakinya sakit C. umurnya belum balig D. tidak memenuhi syarat wajib​ Sebutkan 5 lapisn atmosfer bumi bawah sampai atas secara beruntung​ Karya yang mirip roman namun nonfiksi adalah​ Dan budi 'an s 10. Agar tarian lebih menarik, maka gerakan tarian dapat diiringi alat musik. Salah satu jenis alat musik yaitu alat musik ritmis. Salah satu contoh alat musik ritmis yang dimainkan dengan cara dipukul, yaitu​